The Organs are proposed to offer a suitable framework in order to
- Convene stakeholders
- Allow structured and constructive dialogs among all stakeholders
- Allow negatiations to take place to form MSPs.
- Allow states to endorse MSPs in a simple way.
- Host the commissionners of each MSPs as international agents of the UNMSP
The Organs are ( Diagram
- General Assembly of the States ( Sessision Chairman )
- Secretariat : General-Secretary
Special Secretaries
- Legal Affairs
- Diplomatic Relations
- Relations with Local Authorities
- Relations with Civil Society other than Local Authorities
- Relations with the Private Sector
- Science and Academia
- Technology (excluding ICTs)
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Language and Cultural Diversity
- Events
- Advisory High-Council
- Fora
- Intergovernmental Organizations
- UNMSP endorsed Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
- a set of family-based Conferences for each type of stakeholders
- Regions, Provinces & non-sovereign states (1)
- Larges Cities (1)
- Small & Medium-sized Cities (1)
- Rural Districts (1)
- Private sector & Business associations (1)
- Associations of Members of Parliaments
- Trade Unions
- People-oriented defense Organizations
- Religious and Philosophical Organizations
- Theme-based defense Organizations
- Foundations et Philanthropic Organizations
- Academia, Research Institutes, Universities & Schools
- Media
- a set of theme-based Conferences
- Linguistic and Cultural diversity
- e-Administration
- CyberEducation & télé-enseignement
- Scientific Information
- Environment and ICT
- Health and ICT
- Patents & Copyright and Trademarks
- Disabled persons & ICT
- Privacy and Security
- Human Rights & ICT
- Electronic Commerce
- Sustainable Development
- E-employment
- E-agriculture
- a Commission for each endorsed multi-stakeholder partnership.
Note: (1): paying an obligatory contribution.
The UNMSP General Assembly of the States may be organized at any location
where a UN assembly is gathered, either permanently like in New York,or in Geneva,
or during a UN summit, for example the WSIS.
The Conferences are permanent electronic foru, supplemented at regular intervals
by virtual conferences where votes and decisions can be taken.
In personan conferences may of course be organized, but always complemented by
a joint virtual conference to allow full inclusion of people that cannot attend.
Agents of the UNMSP may be volunteer or employees.