

UN Context

Cardoso Report

WSIS Context

UNMSP Project

UNMSP Charter



EXAMPLES of possible UNMSP Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

With the framework of this UNSMP proposal, MSPs must be understood in a broad sense, with the important condition of the participation of two states, without which the legal requirement of an intergouvernemental status cannot be fulfilled. Any association of stakeholders comprising at least two states could be eligible to be endorsed and recognized by the UNMSP.
Lets give some examples of MSPs within this framework as well as some clarification.

  • The condition of the participation of two states, does not imply a strong and effective participation of those states to the MSP, it could simply be a moral or a political endorsement.
  • An association comprising only of local authorities ( legally part of the Civil Society ) and two supporting states could qualify as an MSP.
  • An association composed of only governements would fullfil the legal criteria of being a MSP. It is not a recommanded form of MSP, but it could be usefull for regional or thematic cooperation, when the task and the cost of creating a specific IGO just for this purpose, seems a too heavy burden.
  • NGOs should not have to abandon all their advocacy actions and replacing them with only implementation actions when entering a MSP ( as it has been seemingly suggested in a GKP issue paper, in our opinion, going beyond the real intent of the authors ) Of course NGO participation to the material implementation is encouraged and is most welcome, but it is not necessary, a NGO should be able to enter a MSP simply as a watch dog, to be sure that the philosophy and deontology of the MSP is respected. It is a important role, similar to an accounting comptroller that takes care that accounting rules and financial transparency are observed. NGOs may play therefore the role of "ethical comptroller" of some MSPs, more specifically those which rely heavily on PPPs.
  • A general purpose MSP could be setup as heir and continuation of the WSIS process, after Tunis.
  • MSPs for coordinating the implementation of the WSIS plan of action.
      such as :
    • Innovating Financing Mechanisms : Digital Solidatity Fund ( Cities, Private ITC contractors, States )
    • A MSP to facilitate the negotiation process of formings MSPs : Global Knowledge Partnership
    • MSP/PPPs for equitable trade & sustainable developement
    • MSP/PPPs for the implementation of networking infrastructures
    • MSPs and MSP/PPPs or the implementation of Free Software in various communities.
    • MSP for the implementation of Open Access in the scientific & technological community.
    • MSPs for coordinating WSIS-related events.
    • MSPs for sustainable development.
    • MSPs for linguistic diversity
  • MSPs for governance ( tentative examples ) concerning :
  • MSPs to provide a diplomatic openning and structure to Local Authorities
  • MSPs to provide a framework for inter-administrative collaboration or cross-administration partnerships
  • countless opportunities are available...

  • Castellano


    Drafting Committee
