What are the advantages that MSPs would gain from being endorsed by the UNMSP ?
- As defined and authorized in their constitutive charters, MSPs should be able
to operate in the fullfiment of their missions, with the privilege and immunities that
are given to UN agencies. This should allow that specific MSP operations,
such as actions for sustainable development, be tax-exempted
and duty-exempted.
- Benefiting from the protection and privilege of a UN agency, endorsed MSPs should
be able to operate more independently
and more efficiently in difficult and uncertain situations.
- Under the cover of the UNMSP, a UN agency, endorsed MSPs should be able
to draw financial ressources and loans within the UN system and elsewhere at
much better conditions.
- The commissionners of the MSP and positions described explicitely in the MSP
charter are considered as "international agents" of the UNMSP, and therefore
benefit from a diplomatic status in the fullfilment of their missions
( not in personam ).
- Under the cover of the UNMSP, MSP representatives may participate to all
UN system meetings as observers, and sometimes as active voting participants.
MSP representatives should be able to participate to many
international intergouvernemtal meetings,
and should be able to
organize events and actions to which states and IGOs may be officially invited as such.
- Under the cover of the UNMSP, and if explicitely authorized by their constitutive charters,
MSPs may conclude agreements with states and IGOs that are relevant to international
public law.
- While being weighted against all those advantages, the other side of
the coin is that endorsed MSPs should pay a yearly fee to the UNMSP in order to contribute
to support the operation of the UNMSP.
This fee is not unilaterally determined by the UNMSP, it is defined in each MSP own charter, on a
case by case basis, and may be modified only by a vote of the general assembly
of the UNMSP.