The private sector may intervene in MSPs in different ways.
A company may simply be a contractor to accomplish certain goals, under the supervision
of the MSP, and there is little difference with a traditional client/contractor relationship,
except that the company may work at a very low cost, beyond accepted profit margins.
A company may also provides funds or in-kind services or
products as part of a corporate philanthropy policy.
There are no need of new legal frameworks in the above situations.
However, when as part of the partnership, a private company is endowed of special
privileges on the public domain, or endowed with a delegation of public authority,
then a new legal framework is required.
This new legal framework called Public Private Partneship ( PPP ),
was first created in the United Kingdom under the initiative of
Tony Blair and has been implemented by many local
authorities in Great Britain.
With their scopes, PPPs are bringing some reminiscence of feudal charts or contracts.
In France, PPPs are conceived as innovative
alternates to traditional
concession and farming schemes.
Many people are calling a PPP any type of partnerships between Public Authorities and
Private Companies. In this site and within the framework of the UNMSP proposal,
PPPs are understood stricto senso.
Therefore MSPs including Public Authorites and Privates Companies may or may not
constitute an international PPP, may or may not include PPPs as their components.