PrepCom3 and WSIS preparation
- WSIS - PrepCom-3
Geneva (Switzerland), 15-26 September 2003
- WSIS Geneva (Switzerland), 10-12 December 2003
DRAFT of some specific LINES of ACTION
- Preparation of proposal of new Civil Society contributions
to the Draft Declaration of Principles and Action Plan
to be discussed during PrepCom-3.
- Preparation of PrepCom-3 Working Group meetings.
- Proposal of Open Letter of Support ( somewhat akin to the
PLoS petition campaign ).
- WSIS events:
Preparation of round tables and presentations
the WSIS summit itself ( restricted to WSIS delegates ).
- ICT4D :
Preparation of exhibition booths and round tables within the framework
of ICT4D ( Open to the general public during WSIS ).
- Search of funding ressources among governements and foundations
to finance side-events.
- Develop a common set of Open Source software tools that would
be available to any Open Access project.
- Develop a UN controled and operated free DOI system
( not just for scientific data )
- Develop and support a commoun XML schema for
scientific papers ( W3C ? )