7ème PCRD (FP7) ( info de CAP DIGITAL )
Registration of Experts
World Forum on Scientific information ( WFSI ) FP7 proposal ( 18 March 2008 )
- SIS-2008- Co-ordination and support actions on the
scientific publishing system in connection with research excellence and dissemination and sharing of knowledge
( Published 30 November 2007 , deadline : 18 March 2008 )
- "Council Conclusions on scientific information in the digital age: access, dissemination and preservation"
( 2832nd Competitiveness Council meeting, Brussels, 22-23 November 2007 )
Information event for the research
community preparing proposals for ICT Call 3, objective 'Digital libraries and
technology-enhanced learning'. Reg. before 03 Dec. ( 17-18 December 2007, Luxembourg )
Direction du développement des médias / Programme européen « eContentplus ». ( Date limite : 04 Octobre 2007 )
Annonces : ils sont à la recherche de partenaires... ( 31/07/2007 )
Towards a European Infrastructure for e-Science Digital Repositories (
online questionnaire / deadline : 31 August 2007 )
FP7 Calls
- Draft eContentplus programme 2007
( 13 April 2007 - to be announced in June )
Work Programme ,
General considerations Open Access funding :
To signal the importance of and launch a policy process on access to and dissemination of
scientific/scholarly information and strategies for the preservation of such information across the
Union, the Commission further issued a communication on scientific information to the European
Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee
( COM(2007) 56 ). The eContentplus programme ../.. further aims to improve the spread of European
research results through experiments with open access.
For these purposes, best practice networks for digital libraries as well as targeted projects for digital
libraries and for scientific/scholarly content will be funded in 2007.
Targeted projects for scientific/scholarly content
Improve the spread of European research results through conclusive experiments with open access
to digital libraries of scientific/scholarly content. The latter refers to organised collections of
published results of scientists' or scholars' research work in the EU Member States or other
countries participating in the programme and includes both articles, papers, conference proceedings,
monographs, textbooks and other similar publications and the related underlying datasets.
In addition to the common requirements for Targeted Projects, proposals should meet the
following conditions:
- Carry out conclusive experiments on new models and processes involving different types of
relevant stakeholders, i.e. academic community, libraries, institutional repositories, scientific
publishers and the funding bodies.
- The needs of the users (i.e. researchers) should be taken into account, ensuring the right
balance between the desirable dissemination of research results and the equally necessary
protection of IPR.
- The projects should build on existing experience at the national, European and international
Expected results:
Digital scientific/scholarly content held by different types of stakeholders is aggregated and made
interoperable and available for open access across borders.
Information and Communication Technologie Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
( Working Program )
Science in Society call 2 ( Deadline 17 July 2007 )
Science in Society call 1 ( Deadline 23 May 2007 )
( Working Program )
Information and Communication Technologies ICT Call 1 ( Deadline 08 May 2007 )
( Working Program,
Horizontal support actions: International cooperation )
Scientific Publishing in the European Research Area ( 15-16 February,
2007, Brussels, Belgium )
Publishers highlight risks associated with open access (2007-02-14] )
Brussels Declaration ( 13 Feb. 2007 )
Presse Release ( 13 Feb. 2007 )
Dezenhall Resources (The "famous" PR firm hired by publishers )
Petition for guaranteed public access to publicly-funded research results
In January 2006 the European Commission published the Study on the Economic
and Technical Evolution of the Scientific Publication Markets of Europe. The Study resulted from a detailed analysis of the current scholarly journal publication market, together with extensive consultation with all the major stakeholders within the scholarly communication process (researchers, funders, publishers, librarians, research policymakers, etc.). The Study noted that 'dissemination and access to research results is a pillar in the development of the European Research Area' and it made a number of balanced and reasonable recommendations to improve the visibility and usefulness of European research outputs.
Now, a year after publication of the Study, we urge the EC to endorse the recommendations in full. In particular, we encourage you to adopt the first recommendation as a matter of urgency:
We would recommend that, in accordance with the recent recommendations from the European Research Advisory Board
and the statement of the European Research Council on Open Access,
any potential 'embargo' on free access should be set at no more than six months
following publication.
- European Research Advisory Board (
Recommendations on "Scientific Publication: policy on open access"
( 16 December 2006)
The Scientific Council of the European Research Council
ERC Scientific Council Statement on "Open Access"
The scientific publication system: a key issue for EU Research Policy ( 06/10/2006 )
Study on the economic and technical evolution of
the scientific publication markets in Europe.
eContentplus programme ( Call at the end of June 2006 with a provisional deadline
for receipt of proposals in October 2006 )
- eContentplus Journée française d'information, coorganisée par la
DDM (Direction du Developpement des
( Lundi 3 juillet 2006, Paris, France )
- eContentplus Information Day
(28 June 2006, Luxemburg )
SINAPSE Scientific INformAtion for Policy Support in Europe
- WSIS-SI WG Reactions to the
Study on the economic and technical evolution of the
scientific publication markets in Europe
and contributions on other issues
linked to scientific publications -
Commission study addresses Europe's scientific publication system ( Deadline for comments : 15 June 2006 )
- COST Open Call
for Proposals to support Scientific and Technical Collaboration in Europe
( 14 April 2006 - Deadline for pre-proposals 31 May )
Commission study addresses Europe's scientific publication system
(March 30 2006)
- Launch of an European Commission Study:
An effective scientific publishing system for European research
( 15 June 2004 )
- Joint meeting of the High Level Group on Internet Governance (HLIG)
with the European Civil Society ( 24 May 2005, Brussels, Belgium)
- Workshop on
SEEM i2010 Information Space for SMEs. ( 30 May 2005, Brussels, Belgium) )
- European Research and Innovation Exhibition,
(Paris, June 3-5, 2005 )
eContentplus :
Information Day
( 15 June 2005, Kirchberg, Luxembourg )
Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources'
IST Call 5 information day (16 June 2005, Kirchberg, Luxembourg)
- 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
( September 18-23, 2005 Vienna, Austria )
- Club France-Europe : Déjeuner-Débat avec Janez Potocnik,
Commissaire Européen à la Science et à la Recherche
Lunch-Meeting with
Janez Potocnik
European Commissioner responsible for Science and Research.
( Boury & associés
- GPlus Europe )
( 8 Novembre 2005, Paris )
- Janez Potocnik
European Commissioner responsible for Science and Research
Viviane Reding Commissioner for information society and media
- Industry, Research and Energy (
European parliament committee responsible for:
2. the Union's research policy, including the dissemination and exploitation of research findings
7. the information society and information technology, including the establishment and development of trans-European networks in the telecommunication infrastructure sector.
Culture and Education (
European parliament committee responsible for:
1. the cultural aspects of the European Union, and in particular:
(a) improving the knowledge and dissemination of culture,
5. information and media policy;
6. cooperation with third countries in the areas of culture and education and relations with the relevant international organisations and institutions.
European Union regulation ( Wikipedia )
European Union decision ( Wikipedia )
European Union directive ( Wikipedia )
European_Union_recommendation ( Wikipedia )