Ideas, Concepts, Mathematical Formulae, Algorithms are not
patentable, this is quite essential to allow Open Access
but Software concepts ( and Business methods ) are now
patentable in the USA, and this could be a severe
obstacle to Free Software.
Patent Intent: Limited-time Monopoly to protect innovation,
but more and more, a weapon of economic war, that is
preventing competition, because of the litigation
costs and the duration of the litigation.
- Progression Bar ( IBM ), Double Click (Microsoft )
- FAT ( attempt by Microsoft)
- Eolas ( Browser Plugins )
- Music Download ( licensed already to Apple )
It is quite obvious that a programmer who is coding for the
public good has neither time nor ressources to check about
patents. Even if the pennyless programmer, and the not-for-profit
association can feel not be a likely legal target, they may be
prevented to broadcast their works, and legitimate businesses
that are now thriving on Free or Open Source software would be
prevented very efficiently to distribute them and to sell
related services.