The idea is to implement
Semantic Web gTLDs (SWgTLDs), where are implemented and enforced
those features :
- All registrants in a specfic SWgTLD must follow the
same ontology
( ie same set of metadata with rules ) whether described
with the
Web Ontology Language (OWL) or
RDF schemas
and/or a set of specific XML-schemas.
Registrants that are not abiding by those rules shall be
removed from the SWgTLD.
- An Open Digital Ressource Identifier
( ODRI ) system shall be
made available to all registrants. The ODRI system shall
be integrated within the DNS system of the domain.
- Use a strategy to fight against spam
based ether on the
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
proposal or the
(Open Sender Policy Framework ) proposal. Both strategies are working
at the domain name level, and therefore it is easy to check.
Of course this proposal is a first sketch, and
we are fully aware of the complexities, however
they are not larger than those met at the previous evolutionnary
steps of the Web, and
it appears as a natural evolution of the Web in order to meet new challenges,
combining grassroot and academic technologies.
Concerning the enforcement of the ontologies
the sites are going to be checked using automatic tools, relying on human
inspection only in extreme cases.
The registration policy will make it clear that the registrant is
waiving the registrar from all damages. The registrant takes a risk, and
the penalty is relatively light since no site is destroyed.
For some SWgTLD implementations,
a registrant shall be obliged to have another traditional gTLD or ccTLD domain name
to locate his/her site so that in case of penalty, his/her ressource can continue
to be available on the Web.
Concerning the ODRI system, it shall be conceived as integrated within
the DNS system of the SWgTLD ( through an update of the DNS protocal,
and distribution of a new version the
free software BIND ), both to take
advantage of the existing DNS servers around the world, and to avoid
the software patent patent over
Digital Object Identifier (
DOI) (Pat. No.
6,135,646 )
"System for uniquely and persistently identifying, managing and tracking digital
objects" (10/24/00) from the
Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI).
The CNRI hosts the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Secretariat,
through Foretec Seminars, Inc., a subsidiary of CNRI.
The ODRI identifier shall le conceived to follow or include
the Torrent file format ( with possible improvements and extensions )
so that this identifier can used within the versatile and increasingly popular P2P
BitTorrent system.
Several versions of the same content can be used as various seeds.
Furthermore, the location of various mirrored versions of the same content shall
be made by using BitTorrent
trackers maintained by the authorities managing the
SWgTLD. It does not mean that content might necessarily be retrieved through
the swarm controlled by this tracker, it does only mean that mirrored content
will be located in this way. It might depends on the specific implementations
for each SWgTLD.
In the last pages of the book
"A Semantic Web Primer" (p 225) it is written
: How one should deal with a multitude of ontologies ?. This problem
( known the ontology mapping problem )
is perhaps the hardest problem to be solved. ../.. Possibly the first
success stories will not emerge from the open heterogeneous eovironment of
the WWW but rather in intranets of large organizations.
In such environments, central control may impose the use of standards and
technologies, and possibly the first real success will emerge.
It is clear that our SWgTLDs proposal is going in the same direction, but on a much larger
scale, and with more chance of success, because the problem of ontology negotiation and interface
between various "intranets" ontologies would remain among a fierce competition within
the business sector.
- .ART as proposed by the
WSIS-ARTS group.
- .OPEN in the context of the
WSIS-SI group
- .FREE in the context of the
WSIS-PCT group
- .EQUI a global worlwide equitable market place,
in the context of a topic related in part with the
WSIS-finance group.
- .CHAL for challenged people, ie people with disabilities.
- .MEDIA for journals, television and other mass media
Language related semantic extension or
Linguistic SWgTLDs or LSWgTLDs :
an extension shall be assigned
to each language
( according to the three-letter code
ISO 639-2 )
so that sites or sites' versions written in specific languages
can be easily found and identified. It would facilate greatly the task
of search engines and would foster linguistic diversity, which
is reaching its greatest wealth in
These set of extensions shall be managed by the World Language Diversity Network (REDILI).
Further informations concerning the
LSWgTLDs are described in more details in the
Linguistic SWgTLDs page.
This list is not final, all stakeholders are kindly invited to suggest new proposals
concerning other SWgTLDs.
WSIS Civil Society
WSIS Business Sector