
Fundamental Documents

Cardoso Report


The WORLD TOUR of the INFORMATION SOCIETY (WTIS) is an initiative to consult in the most inclusive and effective way, i.e by meeting people on site, all the stakeholders of the Information Society. The WTIS contributes to the implementation of the WSIS Plan of Action and in particular the following recommendation :
E ) Follow-up and Evaluation
28 e) Develop and launch a website on best practices and success stories, based on a compilation of contributions from all stakeholders , in a concise, accessible and compelling format, following the internationally-recognized web accessibility standards. The website could be periodically updated and turned into a permanent experience-sharing exercise.

The WTIS contributes naturally to the stocktaking exercise of the WSIS as described :
The first Preparatory Meeting (PrepCom-1) of the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in Hammamet, 24-26 June 2004, has confirmed that one of the three areas of focus of the Tunis Phase will be "Follow-up and implementation of the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action by stakeholders at national, regional and international levels, with particular attention to the challenges facing the Least Developed Countries" (Document WSIS-II/PC-1/DOC/5). This will involve undertaking a stocktaking of the implementation by governments and all other WSIS stakeholders of the WSIS Plan of Action.
As part of this stocktaking exercise of WSIS-related activities, especially regarding implementation of the WSIS Plan of Action, the Secretary-General of ITU has sent out a letter and a questionnaire to all stakeholders inviting them to inform the WSIS Executive Secretariat about their implementation activities and projects. The information collated from the WSIS Stocktaking questionnaire will be published on this website. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2004.

The WTIS is now distributing, on site, when meeting people, the ITU Stocktaking Questionnaire and is collecting the answers, whenever they are filled and given back on site to WTIS convenors and speakers. The best and most efficient way to accomplish a Stocktaking procedure is obviously to go and meet people, at home.

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