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10-12 December 2003

24 October 2003

To CS Bureau contact organizations
To Contents and Themes group

Speakers in Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society

Dear Members of the CS Bureau,

As you know, the September meeting of PrepCom-3 approved a proposed format of the Summit. Based on the guidance of PrepCom-3, we are in the process of preparing a detailed program for the Summit in December. The proposed format of the Summit calls for speakers to be "identified through their self-organizing mechanisms, in coordination with the Secretary-General of the Summit." In my role as Secretary-General of the Summit, I am very pleased to invite the Civil Society Bureau to propose speakers for the Opening Ceremony, the General Debate and the Round tables. Please see the attached guidelines for details. I have also enclosed a copy of the proposed format of the Summit and the latest version of the provisional draft time management plan. In closing, I would kindly ask that you please submit the proposed list of speakers of your respective family no later than 15 November. Please submit the lists by e-mail to the CSD, Liliane Ursache with copy to the WSIS ES, Toru Nakaya. I am most appreciative of your cooperation and active participation. I look forward to working closely with you in preparing for the Summit. With my best regards.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


Guidelines for Identification of Speakers for the Geneva Phase of WSIS

Based on the Proposed Format of the Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS/PC-3/DOC/8(rev.2)) approved by PrepCom-3 and attached herewith, the Civil Society Bureau (CSB) and the Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI) are invited to identify speakers for the Opening Ceremony, the General Debate and the round tables, in coordination with Secretary-General of the Summit, in line with the following provisions.

1. Opening Ceremony

a) The Opening Ceremony will be held at 2pm on 10 December 2003. The opening statements shall be limited to 5 minutes . One top level representatives from civil society (including NGOs) as well as one top level representative from a business sector entity (including ITU sector members) will be invited to make remarks.

b) CSB and CCBI are invited to propose a short list of possible speakers before 15 November. The speaker will be identified after consultation.

2. General Debate

a) The General Debate will be held over the five plenary meetings, starting on the afternoon of Wednesday 10 December. The last hour of the first four plenary meetings is set aside for statement by observers. Speaking time shall be limited to 3 minutes.

b) CSB and CCBI are invited to nominate 12 speakers each before 15 November.

c) In principle, the 12 slots will be distributed as follows. CSB and CCBI should designate the slots in which the speakers will appear.

Wednesday afternoon; 4 slots

Thursday morning; 2 slots

Thursday afternoon; 4 slots

Friday morning; 2 slots

d) In nominating speakers for General Debate, Specific interest regional distribution* of speakers and balanced representation on the issues of the Summit should be given due consideration. All nominees should be at the very top level of their organizations or entities.

* In considering regional distribution, customary grouping in the UN General Assembly should be taken into account. The grouping as of May 2002 is attached for your information.

3. Round tables

a) An outline of the round tables is provided in Annex 2 of the proposed Format of the Geneva Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society. Four round tables will be organized consecutively between Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. More details on the round tables including the timing and topics will be communicated to the CSB and CCBI at the beginning of November.

b) CSB and CCBI are invited to nominate 18 participants each before 15 November. Some of the nominees could also be speakers already nominated for the General Debate or the Opening Ceremony.

c) In principle, the 18 seats will be distributed as follows. All seats will be placed at the table. Several participants may intervene in the course of discussion. CSB and CCBI should designate the seats in which the participants will appear. The timing of each round table will be decided at the beginning of November.

Round table 1: 4 seats

Round table 2: 4 seats

Round table 3: 4 seats

Round table 4: 4 seats

17th seat could be added to one of the four round tables. 18th seat could be added to one of the round tables other than the one to which 17th is added.

d) In nominating participants, regional distribution* of participants and balanced representation on the topics of the Round table should be given due consideration. All nominees should be at the very top level of their organizations or entities.

* In considering regional distribution, customary grouping in the UN General Assembly should be taken into account. The grouping as of May 2002 is attached for your information.


Inquiries should be addressed to Mr. Toru Nakaya of WSIS Executive Secretariat

c/o ITU Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

tel +41-22-730-6372, fax +41-22-730-6393