After the end of WSIS Geneva phase, the Tunis phase starts in 2004.
Arrangements for the Tunis Phase of the Summit
- SMSI : Site Officiel Tunisien
- Participation � Austrans 2004 7-10 Janvier
- United Nations Association-USA "The WSIS: What happened and Where Do We Go From Here?"
with UN staff, government, and NGOs (New York, 8 January )
Internet Resources Mirroring Service for UK Further and Higher Education
( Deadline for Proposals: 12 Jan 2004 )
- The World Social Forum
(Mumbaii,India, 16-21 January 04)
- The World Economic Forum
(Davos, Switzerland, 21-25 January )
- UN Canadian delegation debriefing Ottawa 23 January
- R�union de debriefing de la Soci�t� Civile
(23 janvier 2004, 14-17 h, Amphi Gay Lussac, 1 rue Descartes, Paris )
Voeux de l'Internet (23 janvier 2004)
- Launch of the Open Consultation phase of the World Tour of the Information Society
(WTIS) ( Paris, 23 January 2004)
Meeting of the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) at Ministerial Level
( Paris, 29-30 January 2004 )
- Call for papers for a special issue
'Announcing The World Summit in Reflection: a deliberative dialogue on WSIS"
(Deadline:31 Jan. 04),
from the journal of Information Technologies and International Development
ITID published
by MIT Press
ITT: Open Access Publishing ( Deadline for Proposals: 2 Feb 2004 )
- Parliamentary Inquiry: Scientific Publications (
United Kingdom House of Parliament )
We submitted written evidence ( more ).
A study to forecast a delivery, management and access model for Eprints and Open Access Journals within Further and Higher Education
( Deadline for Proposals: 10 Mar 2004, 12:00 PM )
- National Policies on Open Access (OA) Provision for University Research Output: an International meeting
(February 19, 2004, Southampton University )
Workshop on Internet Governance (ITU, 26-27 February 2004 )
- Phase II Road Map
- Civil Society Bureau meeting (ITU, 26 February 2004)
Brainstorming meeting (Tunis, 2-3 March 2004)
Cr�ation de revues �lectroniques scientifiques: appel � projets
- Trial testing of a Virtual Conference concept ( 17 March 2004 )
- Anouncement ( 22 March 04 )
by Prof. Wesley Shrum
of the initiative of an event
Past, Present, and Future of
Science and Technology
in the Information Society
( 13-15 November 2005 )
within the framework of her
Globalization of Science
- S&T for Development in WSIS--March 23 planning meeting
(National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, USA )
( preliminary agenda )
Implementing the WSIS Action Plan (Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
, Nairobi, 25-26 March 2004) (see also :
AITEC - Kenya ).
- Sixth Meeting of the UN ICT Task Force
25-27 March 2004, UN Headquarters
Premi�re F�te de l�internet scientifique (29 mars au 2 avril 2004)
- F�te de l'Internet
( 29 mars - 4 avril 2004 )
- World Telecommunication Day 2004: Survey
( 14 Avril 2004 )
"The Europe of Knowledge 2020"
26-28 April, 2004, European Commission, Li�ge Convention Centre
Founding Congress of United Cities and Local Government
2-5 May 2004 ,Paris, France
Theme : Cities, local governments; the future for development.
- Forum 2004
- Berlin 2 Open Access:
Steps Toward Implementation of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities ( May 12 - 13, 2004, CERN, Geneva )
Preliminary EU Views on the Preparatory Process for the Tunis Phase of the Summit
Swiss Non-Paper on the structure and focus of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society
SMSI - 2005 - Tunis (Ambassade de Tunisie en France )
- Lobbying for Open Access legislation (Interview, Open Access Now, June 7, 2004 )
- Free Science I.
Publishing ( Wizards of OS 3 :
The Future of the Digital Commons, 10-12 June 2004, Berlin )
- Libre Acc�s et publication scientifique : la n�cessaire implication des chercheurs
(25 juin 2004 , Semaine du Document Num�rique
La Rochelle, 21-25 Juin 2004 )
ICT for Education & Science
( Development Gateway )
- AiDA
(historical and current information on activities of the major international development donors)
( United Nations Institute for Training and Research.)