( Adapted from a message, courtesy of Chantal Peyer ) :
1) Switzerland, as the host country, has been given the mandate to act as a
"facilitator" between now and prepcom 3B (5-6th december).
2) To do this, they are conveining several working groups next weeks (two
sessions for each topic).
The working group are "informal" consultations, which means they are
governemental only.
There will be the following groups:
- Security
- Intellectual property rights
- Human rights
- Medias
- Financing
- Internet governance
And a last group which will look at all the others brackets which still
remain, outside of the points covered by those topics.
3) On the 1st of december, there will be an information meeting about the
results of the consultations,conveyed by the swiss governement.
4) We asked that on the 1st of december, information about the new texts be
also given to the people from civil society, so that they can see them
before prepcom 3B. It should be done. We will ask them to be sent to Sally
and Bill. But there will be no civil society participation in the informal
consultations before the 1st of december.
5) At prepcom 3B, the rules of procedures will remain the same than at the
former prepcoms. Which means that there should be an opportunity to read a
statement from civil society on the 5th morning...
1) Switzerland will be chairing the different meetings (which means also that
they have to remain "neutral" and will rely entirely on others states to defend
their position, which is bad in the fields of medias and HR)
2) For the states invited:
An invitation has been sent to all the missions of Geneva, which means that all
countries are invited to those meetings. But for each theme, they will insist
that the main governments which are disagreeing are present. And also, where
possible, one or two governements which have an in-between position, who can be
moderating the debate. Which basically means:
- security: Russia, EU, China, Pakistan, Norway
- financing: Senegal, Egypt, Cuba, Japan, EU, Canada, India
- intellectual property rights: EU, USA, India, Bresil, Egypt, Argentina, Japan
- Human rights: EU, China, Norway, USA, Syria, Canada
- Medias: EU, Norway, Syria, El Salvador, China, Botswana, USA, Canada
- Internet governance: EU, China, USA (and I ma not sure of the others on this