SECTION 3) C3 ACCESS to INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE 11 version 26 Sept. End of PrepCom 3 Discussed in an ad hoc working group chaired by Kenya i) Encourage initiatives to support free and affordable access to open access journals and books, and open archives for scientific information. version 14 Nov.i)Encourage initiatives to facilitate access, including free and affordable access, to publicly available journals and books,and open archives for scientific information. It can be clearly noticed that there are quite larges differences between the two paragraphs. The last paragraph does not envision any kind of support to Open Access journals that are no longer even mentionned !. At request of the Russian delegate, that did not understood the language of the text, the working group ( working in parallel with the discussion on the Declaration ) modified this paragrah (that was not under square brackets as an editorial act), without intention to modify the substance. The assembly was under the impression that all what was not under square brackets has been not been modified since the end of PrepCom3 (26 Sept Version). Furthermore, no printed version of the first 14 Nov was available at the time of the request for approval of the assembly. After consultation with Russian delegation, the scientific officer of this delegation understood the true meaning of the text and would support the restoration of the original text, and suggested that a clear language should be used. We kindly requested that the original language be restored or be replaced by a yet improved version that leaves no room for ambiguity. Kenya is going to ask for a restoration of the original text, and Croatio would support with the presentation of a clearer text. i} Encourage international as well as national programs and mechanisms to provide support to support to Open Access journals and Open Archives initiatives for scientific information |