Reference : Plan of Action - version 26 September
SECTION 3) C3 ACCESS to INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE 11 replace i) by an improved version i} to recommend international and national programs as well as mechanisms, to provide support to Open Access journals initiatives and to Open Archives initiatives for scientific information to add l) to recommend to International and National Public as well as Philanthropic funding organizations that they encourage, as part of their funding policy, that all resulting scientific publications, be published in Open Access journals and stored in Open Archives. m) promote the implementation of a free and public Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system whereby content may be retrieved and identified, even if content is moved between different servers. n) promote and support efforts towards building a semantic web, whereby semantic metadata included in online documents, allows to build a worlwide database within the worldwide web. C7 ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life 23. E-science replace b) by an improved version b) Promote electronic publishing, Open Access and Open Archives initiatives. Promote differential pricing of priced electronic publications, so that they are accessible in all countries. to add f) to recommend to University and School libraries to maintain Open Archives of documents, data and papers that have been freely contributed by their researchers, teachers and students. to add if not accepted in C3 g) to recommend to International and National Public as well as Philanthropic funding organizations that they encourage, as part of their funding policy, that all resulting scientific publications, be published in Open Access journals and stored in Open Archives. |