Scientific Information GROUP CONTRIBUTION
27 February 2003 PrepCom2 Working Group Meeting
Convenor : Dr. Francis MUGUET
The SI thematic Working Group was not granted
enough time to see included
in the observers' contributions recommandations related to the
Draft Declaration of Principles.
all SI WG contributions to the Action Plan have been included, almost verbatim
in the Civil Society Observers' contribution.
Key principles :
- Open access to scientific knowledge is an essential human right
- Open access to scientific knowledge is an expression of worldwide solidarity
- Scientific information is a specific information whose availabilty
is essential in order to achieve an information-based Open Society
- Scientific publishing models should
respect the true intent of scientists which is to make freely available
their works and findings.
- Preserve, maintain and augment the scientific public domain.
- Respect and protection of scientific author's rights, whether the
author is writing for profit author or unretributed author.
- Scientific information produced by unretributed authors
should be freely available
- Availability of scientific information in transition countries is
a fundamental condition for a sustainable development, within
global inclusion perspective.
Action lines
- Encourage scientific authors to retain ownership of their intellectual
property and not to automatically transfer copyrights to publishers or
other intermediaries.
- Encourage Open Access content models whereby the content in digital
format is freely available, while paper printed versions or CD burned versions
may be sold by institutionnal or commercial channels.
- Encourage publishers to develop Open Access business models
whether these models are commercial or not-for-profit.
- Encourage the creation by scientists of not-for-profit
Open Acccess Journals
- Encourage existing subscription-based journals to turn
to Open Access models.
- Encourage authors to submit their papers to Open Access Journals.
- Encourage authors to write Open Access books and multimedia material
for research and education.
- Encourage authors to maintain a personal web page where all
their research findings and reports are freely available.
- Recommend the creation of institutional Open Archives at the national
and international level.
- Recommend a program funded by by the UN or its agencies of
to create a worldwide portal to Open Access journals
and Open Access books.
- Recommend the creation of a funding program
by the UN ( or its agencies )
to ensure financial support to not-for-profit Open Access Journals.
- Recommend a program funded by by the UN or its agencies of
to create a worldwide scientific Open Archive.
- Recommend the creation of a funding program
by the UN ( or its agencies )
to provide financial support to the creation
and maintenance of institutional Open Access archives.
- Encourage the creation and maintenance of mirrors sites
of Open Access contents in institutions belonging to transition
countries, in order to save Internet connection costs.
- Recommend a program funded by by the UN or its agencies
to distribute free CDs containing Open Access contents
to transition countries.
- Recommend that member states should adopt national legislation making
compulsory for scientists to deposit their published works
in a national or a UN funded worldwide Open Access archive.
- Recommend that member states should adopt national regulations making
compulsory for scientists whose research is funded by public
agencies or by private foundations to publish in Open Access journals.
- Recommend that
databases built with the help of freely available scientific content
should be also freely available to all the authors that contributed to its
- Databases built with the help of freely available scientific content
should be accessible with a reasonnable fee proportionate to the average
income in the customer's country.
- Recommend that rules of loans existing in traditional scientific libraries should be extended without
hindrance to digital media belonging to online libraries.
- Use of peer to peer technology shall be promoted to share personnal
scientific knowledge and
preprints, reprints written by scientific unretributed authors.
- Scientific information should be available or at least indexed
within a multilingual context.