Official Documents :
Declaration of Principles (Latest version, 26 September 2003)
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WSIS/PC-3/DT/1(Rev.2 B )-E
26 September 2003
Original: English
the whole text of this Draft Declaration is in square brackets]
A[B]. Our Common
Vision of the Information Society
[We, the
representatives of the peoples of the world, assembled in Geneva
from 10-12 December 2003 for the first phase of the World Summit on
the Information Society, declare our common desire and commitment to
build a people-centred, inclusive Information Society where everyone
can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge,
enabling individuals, communities and people[s] to achieve their
full potential and improve their quality of life in a sustainable
manner]. We also reaffirm our commitment to a development
oriented Information Society, geared to the eradication of poverty
and hunger, and the achievement of a balanced and comprehensive
social and economic development for all.
B[A]. Building
the Information Society: a new global challenge in the new Millennium
Our challenge
is to harness the potential of the information technology to promote
the goals of the Millennium Declaration for the attainment of
[development for all in] a more peaceful, just and prosperous world.
[We envisage this
information Society premised on the principles enshrined in the
Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and characterized by universal access to and use of
information for the creation, accumulation and dissemination of
knowledge. Nothing in this declaration shall be construed as
impairing, contradicting, restricting or derogating the provisions of
the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, any other international instrument or national laws.]
We reaffirm
the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelation
of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, [OPTION A: including
the right to development] and their ties to the principles of a
democratic society, good governance, the rule of law at
national and international level and sustainable development,
[upholding the sovereign equality of all States]. [OPTION B:
We are committed to making the right of development a reality for
everyone and freeing the entire human race from want.] [The
international community must treat human rights globally in a fair
and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis.
While the significance of national and regional particularities and
various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne
in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political,
economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human
rights and fundamental freedoms.]
[Our challenge is to
harness the potential of the information technology to promote the
eradication of extreme poverty and hunger; achievement of universal
primary education; promotion of gender equality and empowerment of
women; reduction of child mortality; improvement maternal health; to
combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; the ensuring of
environmental sustainability; and in development of a global
partnership for development for the attainment of a more peaceful
just and prosperous world.]
[3bis The
information society based on ethics, moral values and human rights
and should be an environment where dignity of humankind is
comprehensively respected and fostered. The widest possible
protection and assistance shall be accorded to the family which is
the natural and most fundamental unit of our society. The information
society creates an environment where all national sovereignties,
religious, cultural, social and linguistic interest, without any
discrimination are respected and protected.]
[Communication is a
fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of
all social organization. It is central to the information society.
Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and
no one should be excluded from the benefits the information society
offers. [Freedom of expression and freedom of opinion, the right to
seek, receive and impart information and ideas regardless of
frontiers [as enshrined in Article 19 [and 29] of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights] are the necessary premise of the
information society.]]
We recognize
that education, knowledge, information and communication are at the
core of human progress, endeavour and well-being. Further,
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have an immense
impact on virtually all aspects of our lives. The capacity of ICTs
to reduce the impact of many traditional obstacles, especially those
of time and distance, make it possible for the first time in history
for the vast potential of these technologies to be used by and for
the benefit of millions of people in all corners of the world.
[6bis We recognize also
that optimizing their potential of ICTs to develop and promote
people to people dialogue [within and] among nations and
civilizations, to increase productivity, to generate economic growth,
and to improve the quality of life particularly for the majority of
the peoples of the world who risk being left behind and further
marginalizedis a serious challenge for all of us. We
reiterate our commitment to the achievement of sustainable
development and of UN agreed development goals, as contained in the
Millennium Declaration, Johannesburg Declaration and Plan of
Implementation and the Monterrey consensus, and other outcomes of
relevant UN Summits.
We are aware that
technology alone cannot solve any political and social problems. ICTs
should therefore be regarded as a tool and not an end in themselves.]
We recognize
that building an inclusive information society requires new forms of
solidarity, partnership and cooperation of all of usgovernments, the
private sector and civil society and international
organizationsindividually and collectively. [Volunteers, as an
expression of solidarity in action, in both south and North, provide
a vast and important resource to bring about an inclusive
information society.]
We are committed to
realising our common vision of the information society for ourselves
and for future generations.
We recognize
also that young people are the future workforce and leading
creators and earliest adopters of ICTs. They must therefore be
empowered as learners, developers, contributors, entrepreneurs,
decision-makers. We must focus especially on young people who have
not yet been able to benefit fully from the opportunities provided
by ICTs. We are also committed to creating conditions that provide
for the development of ICT applications and services that take into
account [the right, the well-being, protection, and harmonious
development of children.]
We affirm that
development of ICTs provides enormous opportunities for women, who
should be an integral part of and should be key actors in the
information society. We are committed within the information society
to enable womens empowerment and their full participation on the
basis of equality in all spheres of society and decision-making
processes, and to ensuring that they are portrayed fairly and
9bis In building
the information society, particular attention should be paid
to marginalized and vulnerable groups of society, including migrants
and refugees, unemployed and under-privileged people, the elderly,
the person with disabilities, minorities, and those living in remote
and rural areas.
shall continue to pay special attention to the particular needs
of developing countries, countries with economies in transition,
Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States,
landlocked developing countries, and to conditions that pose severe
threats to development, which include natural disasters, high
indebtedness, foreign occupation and post-conflict situations.
Viable solutions need to be found in order for these
countries to participate fully in the information society.
In addition, particular attention must be given to the special
situation of indigenous peoples, and to the promotion and protection
of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.]
Realizing that
the ambitious vision of this Declaration – bridging the
Digital Divide and [ensure] harmonious, fair and equitable
development – will require a strong commitment by all
stakeholders, we, call for digital solidarity, both at the national
and international levels. Sustained efforts for
universal access and
capacity building for the use of ICTs are essential in building the
Information Society.
C. An information
Society for all: key principles
We are encouraged
by the rapid pace of development of ICTsunprecedented in
historywhich allows for the development of applications that can
make it possible that no one is left behind and that those who were
left marginalised in previous development cycles can have a real
opportunity to attain higher levels of development without having to
follow the traditional path nor its time requirements.
We are resolute
in our quest to ensure that everyone can benefit from the
opportunities that ICTs can offer. We agree that to meet these
challenges, all stakeholders have to work together to increase
access to information and communication infrastructure and
technologies, as well as to information and knowledge, build
capacity and trust, increase confidence and security in the use of
ICTs, create an enabling environment at all levels, develop and
widen ICT applications, foster and respect cultural diversity,
[promote media development], address the ethical dimension of the
information society, and encourage international and regional
cooperation. We agree that these are the key principles for building
an inclusive information society.
1)[3)] The role of all
stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
Governments, as well
as private sector, civil society organizations and UN and other
international organizations [and the media], have an important role
and responsibility in the development of the Information Society
and, as appropriate, in decision-making processes. The Internet is a
global facility available to the public, and its governance should
constitute a core issue of the Information Society agenda. Building
a people-centred Information Society is a joint effort which
requires cooperation and partnership among all stakeholders.
2) Information and
communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for an
inclusive information society
Connectivity is a
central enabling agent in building the Information Society.
Universal, ubiquitous, equitable and affordable access to ICT
infrastructure and services, including access to energy, and postal
services, constitutes one of the challenges of the Information
Society and should be an objective of all stakeholders involved in
building it, [in conformity with the domestic legislation of each
A well-developed
information and communication network infrastructure and
applications, adapted to regional, national and local conditions,
easily-accessible and affordable, and making greater use of
broadband and other innovative technologies where possible, can
accelerate the social and economic progress of countries, and the
well-being of all citizens and communities and people.
Policies that create
a favourable climate for stability, predictability and fair
competition at all levels should be developed and implemented in a
manner that not only attracts more private investment for ICT
infrastructure development but also enables public service
obligations to be met in areas where traditional market conditions
fail to work. In disadvantaged areas the establishment of ICTs
public access points in post offices, schools and other entities,
can provide effective means for ensuring universal access.
Monitoring and
evaluating, with appropriate indicators [under the auspices of ITU
and other relevant organisations], taking into account different
level of developments, is essential to measuring the progress in
bridging the digital divide, internationally agreed development
goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, and
to assessing the effectiveness of investment and international
cooperation efforts in building the information society.
3)[2)] Access to
information and knowledge
Freedom of expression
and freedom of opinion, the right to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas regardless of frontiers [as enshrined in
Article 19 [and 29] of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
are the necessary premise of the information society. In
building such an information society, the ability for all to
access and contribute their information, ideas and knowledge is
The sharing and
strengthening of global knowledge for development can be enhanced by
removing barriers to
equitable access
to information for economic,
social, political, health, cultural, educational, and scientific
activities and by
facilitating access to public domain information.
A rich public domain
is an essential element for the growth of the Information Society ,
creating multiple benefits such as an educated public, new jobs,
innovation, business opportunities, and the advancement of sciences.
Information in the public domain should be easily accessible to
support the Information Society, and protected from
misappropriation. Public institutions such as libraries and
archives, museums, cultural collections and other community-based
access points should be strengthened so as to promote the
preservation of documentary records and
free and equitable access
[The growth of an information society should be encouraged through the adoption of
open source strategies for software applications as they contribute
to increase access and enhance diversity for software users .
Multiple software models exist which promotes the principle of
technology neutrality, these include open source,
free and
proprietary software, and are valuable model that supports more
affordable access to ICTs.]
universities, academic, research and other institutions have a
central role in the development of the information society.Many
of the building blocks of the Information Society are the result of
scientific and technical advances made possible by the sharing of
research results. We encourage promoting
universal and equitable
access to scientific knowledge and the creation and dissemination of
scientific and technical information.
4) Capacity building
Everyone should have
the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in
order to understand, participate actively in, and benefit fully
from, the Information Society and the knowledge economy. Literacy
and universal primary education are key factors for building a fully
inclusive information society, paying particular attention to the
special needs of girls and women. Given the wide range of ICT and
information specialists required at all level, building the
institutional capacity to plan, develop, guide, monitor, collect,
organize, store and share information and knowledge deserves special
The use of ICTs in
all stages of education, training and human resource development
should be promoted taking into account the special needs of person
with disabilities and disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Content
creators, publishers, and producers, as well as teachers, trainers,
archivists, librarians and learners, should play an active role in
promoting the Information Society, particularly in the Least
Developed Countries.
Continuous and adult
education, re-training, life-long learning, and other special
measures are fundamental to benefit from the new opportunities
offered by ICTs for traditional jobs, self-employment and new
26bis Partnerships between
developed and developing countries in research, manufacturing and
marketing of ICTs product and services are crucial for promoting
capacity building and global participation in the information
society. The manufacture of ICTs presents a significant opportunity
for creation of wealth.[technology transfer]
The attainment of the shared aspirations of developing countries to
become fully-fledged members of the Information Society, and their
positive integration into the knowledge-economy, depends
largely on capacity building in the areas of education,
technology, know-how and information, which are major factors in
determining development and competitiveness.
5) Building confidence,
trust and security in the use of ICTs
Strengthening the
trust framework including [network and information security]
authentication, privacy and consumer protection, is a prerequisite
for the development of the Information Society and for building
confidence among users of ICTs. A global culture of cyber-security
needs to be promoted, developed and implemented in co-operation with
all stakeholders and international expert bodies. These efforts
should be supported by increased international co-operation. Within
this global culture of cyber-security, it is important to enhance
security and to ensure the protection of data and privacy, [as well
as to avoid the creation of barriers to access and trade]. In
addition, it must take into account the level of social and economic
development of each country and respect the development-oriented
aspects of the Information Society.
While recognizing the
principles of universal and non-discriminatory access to ICTs for
all nations, and recalling the relevant resolution of the UNGA, ICTs
can potentially be used for purposes that are inconsistent with the
objectives of maintaining international stability and security, and
may adversely affect the integrity of the infrastructure within
States, to the detriment of their security [in both civil and
military fields]. It is necessary to prevent the use of information
resources and technologies for criminal and terrorist purposes [,
consistent with the need to preserve the free flow of information]
[in accordance with the legal system of each country].]
Spam and
cyber-security should be dealt with at appropriate national and
international levels.
6) Enabling
[The rule of law,
accompanied by transparent and predictable regulation, including,
self-regulation, that takes into account national realities, is
essential for building confidence, trust and security in the
Information Society. A clear regulatory framework should assure the
users empowerment and the full respect of the rights of individuals
and communities and especially the rights of children.]
[Governments need to
foster a supportive, transparent, pro-competitive, based on the
principle of technological neutrality and predictable policy, legal
and regulatory framework, intervening, as appropriate, to correct
market failures, in order to maintain fair competition, enhance the
development of the ICT services, infrastructure and applications,
and to maximize economic and social benefits. [Access by countries
to the benefits of the digital revolution requires adherence to the
universally accepted principles of non-discrimination within the
framework of negotiations for this access based on a spirit of
justice and equity.]]
The Information
Society must support [an enabling international economic environment
conducive to] [good governance,] democracy, transparency, efficiency
and accountability. Strengthening relations with citizens is an
essential investment in policy-making and ICTs should be used as an
important tool for good governance and more accessible government.
Intellectual property
protection is essential to encourage the innovation and creativity
in the Information Society. However, striking a fair balance between
protection of intellectual property, one the one hand, and its use,
and knowledge sharing, on the other, is essential to the Information
Society. This balance is reflected by protection and flexibilities
included in existing Intellectual Property agreements which should
be maintained. Facilitating meaningful participation by all in
intellectual property issues through awareness, capacity building
and development of legal framework is a fundamental part of an
inclusive Information Society.
development can best be advanced in the Information Society when
ICT-related efforts and programmes are fully integrated in national
and regional development strategies. ICT-driven productivity gains
contribute to poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Standardization is
one of the essential building blocks of the Information Society.
There should be particular emphasis on the development of
international standards. The development and use of open,
interoperable, non-discriminatory and demand-driven standards that
take into account needs of users and consumers, [and are based on
the principle of technological neutrality,] is a basic element in
the development of ICTs and more affordable access to them,
particularly in developing countries.
The radio frequency
spectrum should be managed in the public interest and in accordance
with principle of legality, with full observance of national laws
and regulation as well as relevant international agreements.
[We commit ourselves
to taking steps with a view to the avoidance of and refrain from any
unilateral measure not in accordance with international law and the
Charter of the United Nations that impedes the full achievement of
economic and social development by the population of the affected
countries, that hinder the well-being of their population, including
the benefit from the Information Society.]
that ICTs are progressively changing our way of working, the
creation of a secure, safe and healthy working environment,
appropriate to the utilisation of ICTs, respecting core labour
standards, is fundamental.
The Internet has
evolved into a global facility available to the public and its
governance should constitute a core issue of the Information Society
agenda. The international management of the Internet should be
multilateral, transparent and democratic, with the full involvement
of governments, the private sector, civil society and international
organizations. It should ensure an equitable distribution of
resources, facilitate access for all and ensure a stable and secure
functioning of the Internet, taking into account multilingualism.
The management of the
Internet encompasses both technical and policy issues. The private
sector has had and will continue to have an important role in the
development of the Internet [at the technical level].
[Alternative 40. The
management of the Internet encompasses both technical and public
policy issues. The private sector has had an important role in the
development of the Internet. The private sector should continue to
play an important role at the technical and commercial levels.]
Policy authority for
Internet-related public policy issues should be the sovereign right
of countries.
[Internet issues of
an international nature related to public policies should be
a) between
governments and other interested parties.
b) through/by
appropriate intergovernmental organizations under the UN framework.
c) as appropriate
on an intergovernmental basis.
d) through/by
appropriate international organizations.
e) through
appropriate and mutually agreed international organizations.]]
7) ICT-Applications:
benefits in all aspects of life.
[The usage and
deployment of ICTs should seek to create benefits in all aspects of
our daily life including government operations, health care,
education and training, employment, management of natural resources,
disaster prevention, business and culture, agriculture, and for
alleviating poverty. ICTs should also contribute to sustainable
production and consumption patterns, through improved efficiency in
the use of resources and production, also, they can and should
reduce traditional barriers, thus providing an exceptional
opportunity for all to access local and global markets in a more
equitable manner.. Applications should be user-friendly, accessible
to all, affordable, adapted to local needs languages and cultures,
and support socio-economic and sustainable development of local
8) [Cultural identity
and diversity, linguistic diversity and local content]
[In building the
Information Society it is important to recall that culture takes
diverse forms across time and space and that this diversity is
embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of identities of the groups
and societies making up humankind. The defence of cultural diversity
is an ethical imperative, inseparable from respect for human
dignity. The Information Society should be founded on and stimulate
respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, value systems,
traditions and beliefs and foster dialogue among cultures and
The creation,
dissemination and preservation of content in diverse languages and
formats must be accorded high priority in building an inclusive
Information Society, paying particular attention to the diversity of
supply of creative work and due recognition of the rights of authors
and artists. It is essential to promote the production of and
accessibility to all contenteducational, scientific, cultural or
recreationalin diverse languages and formats. The development of
local content suited to domestic or regional needs will encourage
social and economic development and will stimulate participation of
all stakeholders, including people living in rural, remote and
marginal areas.
The preservation of
cultural heritage is a crucial component of identity and self
–understanding of individuals that links a community to its
past. The information society should harness and preserve cultural
heritage for the future by all appropriate methods, including
9) Media [development]
The existence of
[independent pluralistic and free] media [in accordance with the
legal system of each country and] based on the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights [particularly on Articles 19 and 29] is crucial to
any conception of the Information Society. [Individuals and media
should have access to available information]/[Freedom of access to
and use of information for the creation, accumulation and
dissemination of knowledge are important principles of the
Information Society.] [Pluralism of information and diversity of
media ownership should be encouraged]. Traditional media in all its
forms will continue to have an important role in the Information
Society and ICTs should play a supportive role in this regard.
[Formulation of professional and ethical standards in journalism is
the responsibility of media professionals.]
10) Ethical dimensions
of the Information Society
[A. The Information
Society should [in accordance with the UN Declaration of Human
Rights,] [respect peace and] uphold [the values of freedom of
thought, conscience, and religion, as well as other] fundamental
values such as [peace,] freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance,
respect for nature and shared responsibility. [Of particular
interest for the Information Society are truth, trust, honesty,
justice, human dignity, [transparency and accountability].] [Truth,
trust, honesty, justice, human dignity, and respect for [the
diversity of] moral, social, and religious values of all societies
are equally important in the Information Society.]
B. [All actors in the
Information Society should seek to promote the common good, protect
privacy, and to prevent abusive uses of ICTs[, such as [criminal
conduct based on] acts of racial discrimination, xenophobia,
[pornography/obscenity] and paedophilia]. The freedom of use of ICTs
should respect human rights and fundamental freedoms of others,
including personal privacy, freedom of thought, conscience and
religion. [These values are particularly relevant when commercial
activities are conducted through networks].
OR B. [All actors
in the Information Society should seek to prevent abusive uses of
ICTs such as racism, discrimination, xenophobia, paedophilia and
other harmful content.
C. [The freedom of use of
ICTs should respect human rights and fundamental freedoms of others,
including personal privacy, freedom of thought, conscience and
D. [The Information
Society [should/shall] [take fully into account the requirements of
ethics and morality and] [should/shall] accord the widest possible
protection and assistance to the family, which is the natural and
fundamental group unit of society.]]
11) International and
regional cooperation
We aim at making full
use of the opportunities offered by information and communication
technologies, notably to assist effectively in the implementation of
the internationally agreed development goals, including those
contained in the Millennium Declaration. In order to build an
inclusive global Information Society, we will rely on international
cooperation in seeking concrete [approaches] [mechanisms], including
financial and technical assistance, to bridge the digital divide.
This will involve cooperation among states and other stakeholders,
including international financial and other organizations. We
therefore invite all stakeholders [to join in] [to commit to] the
“Digital Solidarity Agenda”, [the section of] the Action
Plan, that identifies concrete actions we plan to undertake and the
targets we set ourselves in order to meet these goals.
49bis [Assist developing
countries and countries with economies in transition in
narrowing the digital divide, creating digital opportunities
and harnessing the potential of information and communication
technologies for development through technology transfer on
mutually agreed terms and the provision of financial and
technical support and, in this context, support the World Summit on
the Information Society.]
We commit ourselves
to strengthening cooperation to seek common responses to the
challenges and to the implementation of the Plan of Action [to be
henceforth referred to as the “Digital Solidarity Agenda”]
which will realize the vision of an inclusive Information Society
based on the key principles incorporated in this Declaration