Besides developing much needed philosophical concepts,
software tools constitute crucial building stones of all
Open Access projects, because these projects became possible
only because of technology advances.
When building an Open Access Ressource Server,
the overall philosophy of Open Access tends to
strongly recommend an implementation using
Free Software ( or at least Open Source software), so that all Open Access projects may
rely on a commoun source of software, be interoperable and do not waste time
in fruitless endeavors.
- TIPS project (Tools for Innovative Publishing in Science)
( IST program of the European Union fifth framework )
- Publishing Resources for Journals and Repositories (ARL list of sofware )
- Tools and Resources
for Online Journal Editing & Publishing (Free & Commercial soft. )
- Bazaar(GPL)
web content hosting platform ( Download ),
( Bazaar Demo System )
an Open Source alternative to such proprietary and expensive commercial
systems as WebCT and
At SourceForge :
- Better Bulletin Board
- PROPS an open, extensible Internet publishing platform designed for newspapers, magazines and other periodicals.
- webEditor
manages the content of a news-based web site (you now Slashdot?)
(GPL )
- oc4wareWeb community portal software
in the scope of the Semantic Web initiative for distributed content, knowledge management,
online publishing in self-organised online journals.
(GPL )
- Eledge Open Learning Management System
open source learning management system that provides tools for creating online instructional materials and courses. Includes navigation, registration, quizzes, exams, graders, uploads, class directory, discussion board, journal, help, gradeb
- phpBB
worlds leading Open Source flat style discussion forum software.
(GPL )
- Phorum web based discussion software written in PHP.
- Beehive Forum PHP/MySQL Discussion Forum
with frames-based layout, reply-to-user, e-mail notification,
HTML-posting, signatures, friends & killfiles, user promotion/demotion and full admin tools.
- Thatware
(Web-based news publishing and discussion backend written in PHP that can handle threaded discussions with a minimum of configuration and day-to-day management/
- PHP-Nuke
A news automated system.
Discus discussion board software package
( Freeware but not GPL ! :"DISCUSWARE strongly discourages the use
or creation of any modifications or additions to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT" ,
used in the recent ECCC
conferences, Pro version is commercial )
- AnyBoard
( Freeware not GPL & Commercial versions )
- WWWBoard
(Matt's Free Perl CGI Scripts)
- OpenFAQ
- Freeb
free discussion board system with such features as the ability to manage template, smileys, members, moderators. It uses a database MySQL and runs with PHP 4.2.0
(GPL) (Hot Scripts )
- Online Journal
(Hot Scripts )
- TAZ Anonymous publishing
- Publius: Censorship Resistant Publishing System
- Public Knowledge Project ( Free Software )
- Article System (sourceforge )
- Journal of Young Investigators
- Openly Informatics
- Peer Review Online System (PROS)
- Zope
- GroupServer
- Isearch a high-speed text search engine.
Virtual Conferencing Software
Media Broadcasting Software
Automatic Translations Tools
Document Identification & Retrieval
- Naming and Addressing definitions
( URL Uniform Resource Locator, URN Uniform Resource Name, etc ... )
- Guidelines for Repository Implementers
( Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting )
- The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
- OAI Identifier Format
- OAI Protocol online tutorial
- OpCit(Reference Linking and Citation Analysis for Open Archives)
- ZMARCO Z39.50 MARC OAI Metadata Provider
- ZDist, an implementation of Z39.50
- National Information Standards Organization NISO,
a non-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
( Code of Practice governing the recording and exchange of online usage data )
- LinkOut, Outside Tool and OpenURL FAQs
- International DOI Foundation (Digital Object Identifiers, a URN )
( Association between commercial publishers, there is a fee per retrieval charged
to publishers ).
- CrossRef :
CrossRef's general purpose is to promote the development and cooperative use of new and innovative technologies to speed and facilitate scholarly research. The specific CrossRef mission is to be the citation linking backbone for all scholarly information in electronic form.
CrossRef is a collaborative reference linking service that functions as a sort of digital switchboard.
It holds no full text content, but rather effects linkages through Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
which are tagged to article metadata supplied by the participating publishers.
The end result is an efficient, scalable linking system through
which a researcher can click on a reference citation in a journal and access the cited article.
At the beginning of 2000, the world's leading scholary publishers joined
to form the non-profit, independent organization, Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. (PILA)
, which operates CrossRef.
The Board of Directors comprises representatives from AAAS (Science), AIP, ACM, APA,
Blackwell Publishers, Elsevier Science, IEEE, Kluwer, Nature, OUP, Sage, Springer, and Wiley.
e-ARCHIVING software
- Guide to Institutional
Repository Sofware
- Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
( supported by the Digital Library Federation, the Coalition for Networked Information,
National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS-9817416 (Project Prism))
- GNU EPrints
Creates OAI-compliant Archives quickly, easily and for free.
OAI-compliance means all Archives created in this way are "interoperable."
They use the same (OAI) convention for tagging their metadata (author, title, date, journal, etc.).
That means the contents of all such Archives can be harvested integrated, navigated
and searched seamlessly, as if they were all in one global "virtual" archive.
EPrints software to be used in Strategy 1 (self-archiving) of the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
EPrints software can also be used to create OAI-compliant Archives for open-access journals
(BOAI Strategy 2).
- Kepler - self-archive publications by means of an "archivelet"
- Ingenta (
Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information:
reportedly selling an Eprints commercial version )
- D-space (Digital Library written in Java )
DSpace is an open source software platform that enables institutions to:
- * capture and describe digital works using a submission workflow module
- * distribute an institution's digital works over the web through a search and retrieval system
- * preserve digital works over the long term
D-Lib article
- D-space (MIT)
- CDSware (CERN)
- Fedora (Univ. of Georgia, Cornell University)
- I-Tor (Netherlands )
- MyCore (Univ. of Essen)
- open access eternity servers
- Eternity Service(Cambridge)
- Eternity service (Charles Univ. )
- Globewide Network
- Perl based Harvester (Search engine in Open Archives)
XML and Semantic Web
Open Source P2P