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15 - 18 July 2003
Draft Declaration of Principles

The assembly dealt mostly with the Declaration of Principles.

An essential phase is now taking place: observers' contributions are no longer appended to the draft, but certain progressive and active states are taking into account selected observers' contributions and they are proposing them, sometimes with modification.

For procedural reasons, at PrepCom2, both the PCT and SI thematic Working Groups did not have time to see included in the observers' contribution their recommandations related to the Draft Declaration of Principles. Therefore state delegates were not able to rely on CPT & SI inputs in the Observers' contribution to draft their own recommandations. As we found later, we might have submitted, after the end of PrepCom2, yet another declaration to that effect. The CERN, UNESCO and ICSU (in cooperation with TWAS and ICTP) on behalf of the "Science & Technology Community" sector-based Family Group, submited after PrepCom2 a statement ( WSIS/PC-3/C/0113 31 May 2003 ). Some of their recommandations were included in the Draft at the suggestion of Switzerland. After the WG PCT and SI statements in the plenary session, we were however able to successfully lobby certain states so that key concepts such as "Open Access" and "Open Source" ( not "Open Source/Free Software" unfortunately ) were included in the final draft.

In the (Rev 3) notes are indicated only the author of the last constribution or amendment. For example the USA has introduced 40C, this is indicated in working documents (Rev 2), but only Brazil is mentionned for its final comments on 40C, in the final Rev 3 document, leaving the impression to unitiated reader that Brazil has authored this paragraph. Therefore it is difficult to know who has really proposed to insert or delete a comma, a word, a sentence, a paragraph, if one has not been physically attending the plenary sessions and kept all the working documents.

Are highlighted :

  • statements that result from the lobbying actions of SI Working Group concerning Open Access
  • statements that are related to Open Source/Free Software. (Since many pro Open Source statement were already present, not all of those statements might have resulted from the lobbying actions of the FSF and the PCT Working Group concerning Open Source/Free Software ),
  • statements that are matter of serious concern to the PCT working group
  • statements inspired by the "Science Community" Family Group declaration WSIS/PC-3/C/0113.

    Highlighting colors :
    SI Working Group lobbying
    FSF & PCT Working Group lobbying
    Science & Technology Community Caucus input
    Of Concern to PCT group
    Specific interest

    Document WSIS03/PCIP/DT/4(Rev.3)-E

    18 July 2003

    Original: English

    [Draft Declaration of Principles

    (Based on discussions at the WSIS inter-sessional)

    [NOTE: the whole text of this Draft Declaration is in square brackets]

    Section I1

    A. Building the Information Society: a new global challenge in the new Millennium

    [1. We the representatives of the peoples of the world, assembled at Geneva from 10 12 December 2003 for the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, declare our common desire and commitment to build a new kind of society, the Information Society, premised on the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Declaration, and characterized by universal access to and use of information for the creation, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge. [We reaffirm the indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights – civil, political, economic, social and cultural – and their ties to the principles of a democratic society, the rule of law and sustainable development.] In this society new technologies, in particular information and communications technologies (ICTs), become an essential tool, accessible to all, for the enhancement of the services provided by governments, enterprises and the organizations of civil society, for the attainment of a more peaceful, prosperous and just world based upon our common humanity in all its diversity and to promote dialogue among cultures and civilizations.]

    [1A. Drafting group:

    Option 1: Recall article 19 UN Declaration of Human Rights

    Option 2: Freedom of communication and freedom of information

    Option 3: Freedom to access information and utilise it.

    We recognize the right to communicate and the right to access information and knowledge as fundamental human rights. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate in the information society and no one should be excluded from the benefits it offers. In a world based on knowledge and information, the right to communicate and the right to access information and knowledge are essential requirements to the attainment of others internationally recognized human rights, including the right to freedom of expression, universal access to the information and communications infrastructure and to the Internet is essential to the Information Society.]

    [2. We recognize that knowledge, information and communication are at the core of human progress, endeavour, and well-being and that, although the dramatic increase in the volume, speed and ubiquity of information have brought about profound changes in people’s lives and are creating new opportunities, they have yet to benefit the vast majority of the peoples of the world.]

    3. We recall our common resolve as reflected in the Millennium Declaration to promote democracy, [good]/[accountable and transparent] governance, the rule of law and respect for all internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development as an integral part of human rights[, and to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, and respect their territorial integrity and political independence]. We reiterate our commitment to the attainment of [internationally-agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration]/[the Millennium Development Goals], sustainable development and recognize the development challenges posed by the digital divide.

    4. We are convinced that the information and communication revolution is still in its infancy. The ability to optimise the vast untapped potential of ICTs to develop and promote dialogue within and among nations, to increase productivity and generate economic growth, and improve quality of lifeparticularly for the majority of the peoples of the world who live in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and risk being left behind and further marginalizedis a serious challenge for all of us.

    4A. ICTs can be a powerful instrument of change in the emerging knowledge-based international economy, where knowledge will be an increasingly important determinant of competitiveness. Access to it should be open in the general interest of the public, particularly in developing countries, as a means towards bridging the digital divide. [If left strictly under the influence of market forces, ICTs may actually deepen social inequalities within countries, and widen the gap between developed and developing nations. For these reasons, close analysis, new thinking, and new forms of international action are required with a view to redressing these basic asymmetries that prevent developing countries from reaping the benefits of globalisation under the multilateral rules-based trading system.]

    5. We are fully aware that our individual and collective ability to create and share knowledge, through intensive use of ICTs and mechanisms of digital participation is a driving force in shaping our future, and declare that concrete action and global commitment are now required; to ensure that these rapidly developing technologies accelerate the attainment of [internationally-agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration]/[the Millennium Development Goals].

    6. Faced with complex and ever-evolving challenges, all of usgovernments, the private sector and civil societyhave objectives that require new forms of solidarity, partnership and cooperation to assume our responsibilities in particular by issuing our common vision on the information society and in adopting a plan of action to bring to reality the principles established.

    B. Our Common Vision of the Information Society

    [NEW 7C. The Information Society that we seek is one where highly-developed ICT infrastructure, equitable and ubiquitous access to information, appropriate content in accessible formats and effective communication, enable individuals and communities to achieve their full potential, promote sustainable economic and environmental development, improve quality life and alleviate poverty, hunger and social exclusion.]

    7-8 The Information Society should harness the power of ICTs to advance human development. We seek to build an Information Society that is inclusive, where all persons, without distinction of any kind, exercise their right to freedom of expression and their access to and use of [reliable] information [and a plurality of opinions, as well as access to a wide range of content, including material reflecting national and regional cultures and content relevant to local communities2], in order to create, receive, accumulate, disseminate, share and utilize information and knowledge, in any media and regardless of frontiers, through intensive use of ICTs and in accordance with the legal system of each country, at the service of humankind, in order to contribute to its economic, social, cultural and political development. In this context we should mainstream a gender perspective at all levels of actions and use ICTs as a tool to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

    7B. The information society should be based on [ethics and moral values]/[human rights] and should be an environment where dignity of humankind is comprehensively respected and fostered. The information society creates an environment where all national sovereignties, religious, cultural, social and linguistic interests without any discrimination are respected and protected.

    14. Full participation, empowerment and social inclusion are fundamental characteristics and objectives of the Information Society. Accordingly, particular attention must be paid to marginalized and vulnerable groups, including: migrants and refugees, as well as other communities, unemployed and underprivileged people, children, the elderly, the disabled, indigenous peoples, minorities, and those living in rural and remote areas.

    16. Young people constitute a significant proportion of the worlds population, and are the future workforce. Because young people also represent some of the earliest adopters of ICTs, they can constitute an important volunteer resource necessary for bridging the digital divide, especially in developing countries, and must therefore be empowered as learners and creators of information.3

    9. The Information Society should be development-oriented, responding to development challenges, especially those of digital divide, and [the Millennium Development Goals][internationally-agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration]. The Information Society should serve the interests of all people by using ICTs as tools for the balanced and comprehensive social and economic progress of countries through concrete international cooperation.

    [[10. The essential requirements for the development of an equitable information society include:

    • A well-developed and affordable infrastructure;

    • Confidence and security in using ICTs;

    • Adequate development of capacity building;

    • The respect for internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms;

    • Cultural and linguistic diversity;

    • International cooperation and respect of international law;

    • An enabling environment;

    • Partnership among all stakeholders;

    • Protection of vulnerable groups;

    • Mainstreaming of a gender perspective;

    • Measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises.]

    [11. The Information Society can help to respond to the additional development challenges posed by the digital divide and help to achieve [the Millennium Development Goals]/[internationally-agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration][ of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; achieving universal primary education; promoting gender equality and empowering women; reducing child mortality; improving maternal health; combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability and developing a global partnership for development.]4

    New 11C</B>: Since science has a central role in the development of the Information Society, there should be universal and equitable access to scientific knowledge and equal opportunities for all in its creation and dissemination. 5

    C. An information Society for all: key principles

    12. The Information Society must serve the interests of all nations and all the people of the world, in a manner that secures their fair, balanced and harmonious development. Most particularly, special attention must be paid to [developing countries]:

    • [people living in rural and remote areas who constitute the majority of the population in many developing countries;

    • the interests of developing and least developed countries (LDCs), highly indebted poor countries (HIPCs), economies in transition and post-conflict countries;

    • the challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS), landlocked countries, countries with extremely difficult topography and those with unique geographic features;

    • the demographic diversity of nations and regions.]

    [15. More attention must be given to overcoming the constraints that have contributed to differential access and participation for men and women. In building the Information Society, special efforts should be made through facilitating increased access to, and use of, ICTs by women so that they are able to participate early and fully6 in the political, economic and social life and development of their countries.]

    1) Information and communication infrastructure

    17. Connectivity is a central enabling agent in building the Information Society. Universal, ubiquitous and affordable access to ICT infrastructure and services, [including access to power, broadcasting and postal services,]7 constitutes one of the primary challenges of the Information Society and must be an objective of all stakeholders involved in building it, in conformity with the domestic legislation of each country.

    18 A well-developed information and communication network infrastructure, adapted to local conditions, easily-accessible and affordable, and making greater use of broadband where available, is essential for the social and economic progress of countries, and the well-being of all citizens and communities. Building a universally accessible ICT infrastructure, including broadband, should be a central element in any national strategy to develop the Information Society. [Investment in ICTs should include the development, deployment, maintenance, and modernization of the world's communications and information networks and facilities.]8

    [19. Governments should develop and implement pro-active policies in order to ensure Universal Access. The extent of such a national public service, including Universal Access, should be defined and implemented transparently and in cooperation with private sector and civil society, taking into account every country’s specific circumstances. Universal Access in disadvantaged regions could be financed by a national [solidarity] fund, fed by the telecom operators acting in the national market. Any such policy should not infringe on the principles of free competition and of non-discrimination and should attract private investment in the emerging markets. In disadvantaged areas, public community access points, such as post offices, libraries, schools, etc., can provide effective means for ensuring Universal Access.]

    20. Appropriate performance measurement indicators, including data disaggregated by gender and on ICT penetration in rural areas, should clarify the magnitude of the digital divide, and keep it under regular assessment, with the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of international cooperation and transfer of technology mechanisms. New indicators/methodologies should be studied and researched with a view to improving assessment of the impact of ICTs on helping to achieve [internationally-agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration][the Millennium Development Goals]. [Targets should be set to benchmark the penetration of ICT services within communities in urban and rural areas.]

    [New 20B9: Specific needs and requirements of all stakeholders, such as those with disabilities must be considered in ICT development. Accessibility and inclusiveness of ICTs is best done at an early stage of design, development and production, so that the Information Society is to become the society for all, at minimum cost.]

    2) Access to information and knowledge

    21-22. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas. The sharing and strengthening of global knowledge for development can be enhanced by removing barriers to equitable access to information for educational, scientific , economic, social, political and cultural activities and by easing access to public domain information. Such barriers can be removed by promoting:

    • open access,

    • open standards;

    • the development of multilingual translation software

    • open source software;

    • the widespread availability of public access points10.

    23. Access to public domain information: A vibrant and rich public domain is an essential element for the growth of the Information Society. Information in the public domain should be easily accessible and transparent to support the Information Society, and must be protected from misappropriation. Public institutions such as libraries and archives can function as trustworthy information brokers to guarantee free access.

    [24A. Choice among software applications contributes to increased access and enhanced diversity for software users. Multiple software development models exist which help promote this principle, including open source which is a valuable model that supports more affordable access to ICTs. ]

    3) The role of governments, the business sector and civil society [and UN and other [public] international organisations] in the promotion of ICTs for development

    27. All stakeholders - governments, private sector and civil society organizations as well as UN and other international organizations – have an important role and responsibility in the development of the Information Society and should be fully involved and engaged in decision-making processes at local, national, regional and international levels. UN and other international organisations must mainstream the use of ICTs in their work programmes. [The Internet has evolved into a global public [good]/[infrastructure]/[resource] and its governance should constitute a core issue of the Information Society agenda.] Building a people-centred Information Society is a joint effort of all stakeholders and requires cooperation and partnership between all parties.

    4) Capacity building

    30. Everyone should be offered the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills in order to understand, participate actively in, and benefit fully from, the Information Society and the knowledge economy. Given the wide range of ICT specialists required at all levels, building the institutional capacities to collect, organize, store and share information and knowledge deserves special attention. Governments should develop comprehensive and forward-looking strategies to respond to the new human capacity needs, including the creation of an environment that supports information literacy, ICT literacy and life-long learning for the general public.

    31. The use of ICTs for education and human resource development, in both formal and informal learning environments, should be promoted, with special reference to the requirements of disadvantaged groups, and to the specific needs of girls and women. [Creators, publishers and producers of content, as well as teachers and trainers, can play a crucial role in promoting the Information Society.11]

    33A. The attainment of the shared aspirations of developing countries to become fully-fledged members of the Information Society, and their positive integration into the knowledge-economy, depends largely on capacity building in the areas of education, technology, know-how and information, which are major factors in determining development and competitiveness.

    [33B In order to enhance ICT capabilities of developing countries, it is essential to promote, inter alia, technology transfer, sharing of experiences and best practices, investment, research and development, incubation schemes and locally-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)]

    [New 33C: Recognising that ICTs are progressively changing how, where and when people work it is important to create and improve a safe, healthy and secure and fair working environment.12]

    [New 33D: ICTs create new possibilities not only for traditional jobs but also for self-employment, circumventing traditional obstacles like distance and time. However, the development of special measures, including retraining, in order to minimise the possible negative impact of ICTs on job security, constitutes one of the important challenges of the 21st century.]13

    5) Building confidence, trust and security in the use of ICTs

    [34. Strengthening the trust framework including, inter alia, security, authentication, privacy and consumer protection, is a prerequisite for the maturation of the Information Society and for building confidence among all users of ICTs. Ultimately, a global culture of cyber-security needs to be promoted, developed and implemented in co-operation with all stakeholders and these efforts should be supported by increased international cooperation. Therefore, governments should work in close coordination with private enterprise, civil society and with international expert bodies in the field of network and information security. Within this global culture of cyber-security, it is important to strike a balance between, on the one hand, measures to enhance security and, on the other hand, the need to ensure the protection of data and privacy, as well as to avoid the creation of barriers to access and trade. In addition, it must take into account the level of social and economic development of each country and respect, inter alia, the development-orientation of the Information Society.]

    [35C. As is noted in a number of United Nations General Assembly resolutions (resolutions 53/70, of 4 December 1998, 54/49 of 1 December 1999, 55/28 of 20 November 2000, 56/19 of 29 November 2001 and 57/53 of 22 November 2002), information technologies and facilities can potentially be used for purposes that are incompatible with the efforts being made to ensure international stability and security that could have a negative impact on the integrity of State infrastructures by infringing their security in both the civil and military spheres. It is therefore necessary to become aware of and to examine on a multilateral basis, taking into account the measures already undertaken by the United Nations in that regard, existing and potential threats in the area of information security and possible measures to be taken in order to limit such threats. It is also necessary to prevent the use of information resources and technologies for criminal and terrorist ends.

    35D. Issues pertaining to the use of ICTs which have a bearing on national sovereignty and which are not governed by existing international law should be resolved by means of negotiation between the representatives of all interested States]

    1. Enabling environment

    38A The rule of law, accompanied by flexible, stable and implementable regulation, that takes into account national realities, is essential for building confidence, trust and security in the Information Society. The rights of individuals—and especially children—should be protected, and users empowered[, to avoid harmful content]. Governance, administration and justice should become more open and efficient. [The rule of law will be a reality when state regulation, co-regulation and self-regulation work together to build a clear regulatory framework, in the full respect of human rights.]14

    [38 + 40 The legal, regulatory and policy environment needs to be trustworthy, predictable, transparent, inclusive and non-discriminatory as well as capable of promoting technological innovation and fair 15competition. Governments need to foster a supportive, transparent, pro-competitive and predictable policy, legal and regulatory framework—intervening, as appropriate, to correct market failures[, as a subsidiary role]—in order to enhance the development of the ICT services, infrastructure and applications, and to maximize economic and social benefits. [Access by countries to the benefits of the digital revolution requires adherence to the universally-accepted principles of non-discrimination, within the framework of negotiations, based on a spirit of justice and equity.]16]

    [39. The Information Society must support participative democracy, long-term transparency, efficiency and accountability, at all times upholding the principle of legality. Strengthening relations with citizens is a sound investment in better policy-making and a core element of good governance. Properly organised and accessible information and records are the basis of a well functioning and transparent decision-making process for private and public actors at all levels. ICTs should be used as a key tool for good governance and more accessible government.]

    [NEW 40C Intellectual property protection is essential to the Information Society. Existing intellectual property regimes and international agreements should continuously provide this protection, [so as to contribute to this objective,] thus promoting the necessary balance between owners and users of intellectual property. [Intellectual property protection can and should be interpreted in a manner supportive to state’s rights to protect public policies, in particular, to promote access to the Information Society. 17]

    41. [With the integration of ICTs and applied innovations into the national and regional politics and strategies, the Information Society will enhance effectively the progress of every sector, primarily of development—economic and social—through the betterment of efficiency and productivity, and important component of trade and a means to develop other products and services. At the social level, it is essential to distribute the benefits to combat poverty and assure the development of social cohesion, especially for the most vulnerable. To obtain results, it is important to strengthen government capacities in terms of development and execution of policies and strategies, so that the ICT initiatives and programmes will be fully integrated in the national and regional visions and plans.18] [Economic and social development can best be advanced in the Information Society when ICT-related efforts and programmes are fully integrated in national and regional development strategies.]

    [41D Fair and effective liberalization of trade in [ICT and related]/[goods and] services, together with domestic regulatory reform, can promote more investment and innovation and thus making technology more readily available for use in the economy by governments, organizations, and individuals.]

    [alternative 41D. Liberalization of trade in ICT and related services, together with domestic regulatory reform, promotes investment and innovation and makes technology more readily available for use in the economy by governments, organizations, and individual users. All countries should join the international trade policy mechanisms developed to implement and facilitate liberalization and regulatory reform as ICT is both an important component of trade and a means by which trade in other goods and services can be expanded or facilitated. Improving the preconditions for successful entry into international trade fosters e-business and economic growth both internationally and domestically. Consequently, governments should promote an open trade regime in the ICT sector and strive towards improving market access. ICTs play a key role in trade facilitation, with automation, e-customs and e-government tools reducing the costs and time associated with moving goods across borders, and enhancing the efficiency and integrity of customs operations.19]

    42. Standardization is one of the essential building blocks of the Information Society. The development and use of open, interoperable, non-discriminatory and market-driven standards is a basic element in the development of ICTs, and more affordable access to them, particularly in developing countries. [Governments should pursue an approach based on the principle of technological neutrality. In this regard, there should be cooperation in the development of innovative products and services and to reduce uncertainty.]

    43. The radio frequency spectrum should be managed in the public interest and in accordance with the principle of legality, with full observance of national laws and regulation as well as relevant international agreements.

    44. [The international management of the Internet should be democratic, multilateral, transparent and participative with the full involvement of the governments, international organisations, private sector and civil society. This management should encompass both technical and policy issues. While recognizing that the private sector has an important role in the development of the Internet at the technical level, and will continue to take a lead role, the fast development of Internet as the basis of information society requires that governments, take a lead role, in partnership with all other stakeholders, in developing and coordinating policies of the public interests related to stability, security, competition, freedom of use, protection of individual rights and privacy, sovereignty, and equal access for all, among all the other aspects, through appropriate [intergovernmental/international] organisations.]20

    alternative text 1 for 44 [Internet governance must be multilateral, democratic and transparent, taking into account the needs of the public and private sectors as well as those of the civil society, and respecting multilingualism. The coordination responsibility for root servers, domain names, and Internet Protocol (IP) address assignment should rest with a suitable international, inter-governmental organization. The policy authority for country code top-level-domain names (ccTLDs) should be the sovereign right of countries.]21

    alternative text 2 for 44 [The international management of the Internet should be democratic, multilateral and transparent. It should secure a fair distribution of resources, facilitate access for all and ensure a stable and secure functioning of the Internet. It should respect geographical diversity and ensure representativeness through the participation of all interested States, including public authorities with competence in this field, of civil society and the private sector, with due respect to their legitimate interests].22

    44A. A vital aspect of securing consumer confidence in electronic commerce is to ensure that consumer transactions occur within a sound legal framework. To this end, consumers using electronic commerce should be provided with protection that is at least equivalent to that provided to consumers using other forms of commerce.

    44B. Spam is a significant and growing problem, not just for individuals but for networks and the Internet as a whole. Spam refers to an electronic mail message that is transmitted to a large number of recipients and most or all of the recipients have not requested those messages.

    Spam raises key issues that need to be addressed and these include privacy, illicit content, misleading and deceptive trade practices and network issues.

    • Privacy: issues surrounding the manner with which personal information such as e mail addresses is collected and handled - address collectors harvest e mail addresses off the Internet or even buy and sell them in bulk without the consent of the owner.

    • Illicit content: most promotes scams, pornography, illegal online gambling services, medical cures, get rich quick schemes or misleading and deceptive trade practices.

    • Network issues: The cost of spam is borne by the recipient in the form of higher cost Internet subscriptions due to larger downloads. The increased volume of e mail can significantly slow Internet speeds and could threaten the viability of the entire network. In addition, there is some evidence that spam is being used deliberately in Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.23

    [45. Governments must take steps with a view to the avoidance of and refrain from any unilateral measure not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impedes the full achievement of economic and social development by the population of the affected countries, that hinder the well-being of their population and that creates obstacles to the universal enjoyment of the benefits of the information society.]

    7) ICT-Applications

    46. The usage and deployment of ICTs should seek to create benefits in all aspects of our daily life including government, health care, education, employment, management of natural resources, business and culture, and for alleviating poverty. ICTs should also contribute to sustainable consumption and production patterns, through improved efficiency and sustainability in the use of resources and production processes and in improving market access. Application should be user-friendly, accessible to all, affordable, suited to local needs and culture and support socio-economic development of the local community.

    [NEW 47C: Scientists, universities and research institutions have a central role in knowledge production, analysis, sharing and dissemination as well as the development of a worldwide affordable network infrastructure, high-speed Internet connection, information processing equipment and training, all of which form an essential part of building the Information Society.] 24[NEW 47D: We also confirm that in the event of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, or in the event of wars and conflict situations, knowledge, information and communication are vital means to prevent or minimise possible harm, support humanitaroian emergency and rescue activities, and promote rehabilitation and restoration after such disasters or in post-conflict situations.]25

    8) Cultural [identity] and linguistic diversity, local content [and media development]

    48. The Information Society is founded on respect for, and enjoyment of, cultural expression. ICTs may stimulate cultural diversity and multilingualism and governments should promote policies to that end. Cultural and linguistic diversity, multilingualism and local languages are driving forces for the process of developing content for both local and international use.

    1. Cultural heritage is the bridge between our past and our future. The preservation of cultural heritage is a crucial component of identity and self-understanding that links a community to its past. The information society should harness and integrate cultural heritage for the future by digitalisation of the cultural inventories in archives and libraries. The shared heritage includes the public domain of cultural information, especially of writings, speech, images and music.

    50. Creativity and the creation, processing, dissemination and conservation of local content within the Information Society must be accorded high priority. A diverse and widely disseminated range of cultural, educational and other products and information services can stimulate creativity and deepen access to the benefits of the information society. The local development of contents suited to domestic or regional needs will encourage social and economic development and will stimulate participation of stakeholders not only as users but also as providers, creators and generators of contents and innovative applications. [The nurturing of creativity and support for the flourishing of free flow of a multiplicity of ideas from a diversity of sources, create favourable conditions for the production, processing, dissemination and protection of local content.]26 This approach will be particularly useful for meeting the needs of rural, remote and marginal areas.

    [8a) Media]27

    51. [The existence of free and independent communication media, in accordance with the legal system of each country, is an essential requirement for freedom of expression and a guarantee of the plurality of information. [Consequently, concentration in the ownership of media should be limited, and unhindered access by individuals and communication media to information sources shall be ensured and strengthened in order to promote the existence of vigorous public opinion as a pillar of civil responsibility in accordance with the UN declaration of Human Rights and other international and regional instruments dealing with human rights.] [Traditional media, such as broadcasting and print, will continue to have an important role in the Information Society and ICTs should continue to play a supportive role in this regard.]28

    9) Ethical dimensions of the Information Society

    [52. The Information Society should be subject to universally held cultural and ethical values such as truth, justice, solidarity, tolerance, human dignity, shared responsibility, transparency and accountability[, and without prejudice to the moral, social and religious values of all societies]. All actors in the Information Society should seek to promote the common good, protect privacy, and to prevent abusive uses of ICTs. The freedom of use of ICTs should not undermine the human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of others, including personal privacy, matters of faith and other personal beliefs. These values are particularly relevant when commercial activities are conducted through networks.]

    10) International and regional cooperation

    [53. The Information Society is intrinsically global in nature. Therefore, its conception should fundamentally consider political dialogue among all nations that allows the establishment of solid bases and effective international cooperation mechanisms, necessary to assist in eliminating the financial obstacles that impede developing countries’ access to ICT. The governments of developing countries are the ones who most need to advance in the knowledge and understanding of the possibilities of the digital revolution and its implications for public policy, the risks and opportunities for development. To this end, we shall use the cooperation programmes offered by the international financial institutions and shall assume the commitments derived from international fora such as, the World Summit on Financing for Development. In this sense we shall take measures among which we can envision a “Fund for the Information Society”[“Fund for Digital Solidarity”] in order to facilitate[ and support ITU’s and UNESCO’s ongoing work on]:

    – Technical and financial assistance, directed towards national and regional capacity building;

    – Technology transfer;

    – The sharing of experiences;

    – The sharing of knowledge; and

    – The development of compatible regulations and standards that respect national characteristics and concerns, including spectrum management.]

    54 We commit ourselves to strengthening cooperation to seek common responses to the challenges of the Information Society and to the implementation of the Plan of Action, which will realize the vision and the key principles incorporated in this Declaration.


    1 Paragraph numbers correspond to those in DT4/Rev.1 and will be renumbered later.

    2 Text proposed by observers/UNESCO.

    3 Text incorporating elements proposed by observers/Youth Caucus, UN Volunteers.

    4 Text reinserted at the request of Mexico.

    5 New text proposed from Romania.

    6 Text incorporating elements proposed by observers/UN ECOSOC-DAW.

    7 Text incorporating elements proposed by several different observers/UPU, EBU and Ecurie Maloba.

    8 New text incorporating elements proposed by observers/ICC-GIIC.

    9 New text proposed by Thailand.

    10 New text including elements proposed by Thailand.

    11 Text proposed by observers/World Confederation of Teachers.

    12 Text including elements proposed by observers/ILO and World Confederation of Teachers.

    13 Text including elements proposed by observers/African Civil Society, GLOCOM, ITU and TakingITGlobal.

    14 Text reinserted at the request of Switzerland.

    15 Text incorporating elements proposed by observers/Korea National Commission for UNESCO.

    16 New text proposed by Brazil.

    17 New text proposed by Brazil, based on the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and Public Health.

    18 New text proposed by Honduras and Switzerland.

    19 Text reinserted at the request of Switzerland.

    20 Text proposed by the drafting group on Internet management.

    21 Original text from 21 March document, supported by Saudi Arabia.

    22 Text proposed by EU.

    23 Text proposed by Australia..

    24 New text including elements proposed by Switzerland and observers/CERN.

    25 New text proposed by observers/GLOCOM.

    26 New text proposed by observers/ITU.

    27 New structure proposed by Switzerland, which has proposed a working group on this issue at PrepCom 3.

    28 New text proposed by India.