The 20 June version was the initial text under consideration. It is interesting to see the drafting process. -
[NOTE: The whole text is in square brackets.]
Typographical conventions: Underlined: new text Underlined text with slashes: /new text/from several/member states
Italics: Comments A footnote indicating: "See comment form XXX" refers to the Member State(s) comment(s) appearing in the Reference document (WSIS03/PCIP/DT/3) for the same paragraph. Indented texts: alternate text for paragraph and new paragraphs, included in this order. Footnotes provide name of Member States making the proposed change/addition/deletion at the paragraph level. Additions or deletions below the paragraph level, that is, bullet points, sentences or phrases, have been incorporated but for the sake of clarity, the name of the member state proposing such changes is not provided. Alternate text for a given paragraph keep the same number. New paragraphs are numbered with letters after the number of the previous paragraph. Example: 21 ICTs in education.[Original text]
Alternate paragraph
21.[Alternate text for paragraph 21]1 Section I 1 The Information Society is
an evolving concept that has reached different levels of development
across the regions and countries of the world. But all can learn from
each other's experience. For this reason, the proposed Action Plan -
established in accordance with the Millennium
paragraph 1: The
Information Society is an evolving concept which encompasses
traditional media such as the press, radio, television and existing
telecommunication infrastructure, as well as the new media brought
into being through advances in ICTs. Its 1 A Information technology has emerged as an issue for international debate fairly recently. Many still treat it under purely technical approaches, limiting discussions to matters of bandwidth, accessibility, communication infrastructure and so on. This is clearly not sufficient. The plan of action should be organized around broad thematic areas of public policies that are particularly relevant to developing countries, such as education, health, employment, government efficiency, local content, social inclusion and the promotion of science, technology and innovation. Better connectivity infrastructure, however, is also a fundamental objective.5 1 B The plan of action should be adaptable to each country's national characteristics, needs and values. It should emphasize the State's key role in the formulation and implementation of ICT related policies, in partnership with international organizations, the private sector and civil society. The plan of action must focus on the social and economical goals of the millennium summit declaration.6 A List of issues1) Information and communication technologies infrastructure: financing and investment, affordability, development and sustainability2 Bridging the digital divide: We are committed to taking action to overcome the digital divide. This is both a cause and a consequence of the economic, geographic, social and cultural differences that exist between and within countries, including in terms of education, health and access to knowledge. Alternate paragraph 2: Our countries are committed, through mechanisms for digital participation that include the exchange of best practices, to taking action to overcome the digital divide, as a basis for achieving the information society, which reflects and is a factor in the differences that exist between and within countries in economic, social and cultural terms and in education, health and access to knowledge. Mexico proposes including this text in the draft Declaration after No. 17 or in the preambular part, after No. 3b.7 2 A Infrastructure is central to digital inclusion and is, perhaps, the most critical step in national ICT policy, requiring involvement of regulatory bodies and the private sector.8 2 B Reliable and affordable access to information by all, and the development of online services relevant to the economy and the country at large depend on infrastructure. Research and investments should be promoted through public and private sector partnerships.9 2 C National policies should also promote connectivity in underserved areas through regulations and/or private sector incentives and in coordination with the civil society.10 2 D Infrastructure development is likely to rely on telecommunication regulatory agencies and private sector support.11 2 E Projects and adaptation of technologies to local needs and conditions must be developed. To this end, governments should develop technology-based firms by creating such mechanisms as venture capital funds, technology incentive zones and business incubators with the participation of academic institutions, research centres and the private sector, while also promoting their national, regional and international integration through the use of advanced research and development networks, and appropriate funding facilities.12 3 Universal access to the Information Society: In order to achieve affordable and universal access to the Information Society in basic services and information and communication equipment, it is essential: – To utilize existing and new technologies to provide connectivity to all to achieve the universal design of information and communication equipment so that everyone, including the elderly and the handicapped, can easily access.
To develop connectivity, including Internet access,
for institutions accessible to the public such as digital
community centres, [schools To study and promote relevant solutions to promote information and communication technologies (ICTs), adapted to the environment in remote, impoverished, and particularly rural areas, particularly in marginalized urban areas and underserved marginalized urban areas, such as by establishing multi purpose community access points to ensure inclusive access to information and social services. To [revise/develop] continuously the concept of universal access/service to reflect advances and opportunities offered by [technology/ICTs], existing infrastructures, market development and changes in user demand. To develop low cost solutions affordable to low income countries and regions. – To develop adaptations that enable elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people to access networks and ICTs. – To study and promote energy solutions adapted to the environment for ICTs, particularly in rural areas. – To devise appropriate universal access policies and strategies in order to encourage the development of ICTs, particularly in suburban and rural areas (defining concept, content, financing, economic viability and implementation programme). – Recognizing the critical role of universities and research institutions in knowledge production and training, a global effort is necessary to ensure that these institutions in developing countries have affordable high speed Internet connections. – To facilitate access to ICTs by adhering to Web accessibility standards (W3C WAI), and by developing software and hardware designed for those with impaired vision. 4 Broadband: It is essential to develop and strengthen national, regional and international [broadband/most modern] network infrastructure in order to provide the capacity to match the needs of countries and their citizens and for the delivery of new services. Alternate paragraph 4: The strengthening of regional and international broadband network infrastructure will help to provide the capacity to match the needs of countries and their citizens and for the delivery of new services.13 5 Low cost equipment: The creation and provision of low-cost ICT equipment with encouragement of local manufacturing shall be an integral part of the agenda for reducing the digital divide and of the advance towards the Information Society. 6 Low cost connectivity:
Universal access policies [shall/should] promote the best
possible level of connectivity for underserved areas at
affordable and 7 Convergence: Technological convergence should be monitored with a view to integrating ICTs in order to create alternative forms of access that can help to narrow the digital divide. Alternate paragraph 7: Technological convergence must be monitored with a view to integrating ICTs in order to create alternative forms of access that can help narrow the digital divide.14 7 A Regulation: Governments should develop a regulatory framework that is both transparent and conducive to competition within the national market, allowing new entrants to operate on a level playing field with incumbent ICT providers. In this context, the deployment of Universal Access should be set up and based on competitive rules and licence-granting. A national fund to finance Universal Access is to be foreseen for areas and communities where the competitive market cannot ensure the deployment of Universal Access. Governments should assist all businesses to flourish, by providing a supportive economic and social environment that facilitates their success. Laws and regulations should be written so as to recognize the legitimacy of electronic documents and signatures.15 8 Interconnection: The information and communication infrastructure is global in its nature. A decentralized and proportionate growth of the global information and communication infrastructure must be promoted. No country or region shall concentrate traffic flows or control the central parts and components of the global information and communications infrastructure, such as traffic hubs and root servers. Connectivity among major information networks should be optimized through the creation and interconnection of regional traffic hubs to reduce interconnection costs and broaden network access. 9 Interconnection
fees: Countries and backbone providers should share
interconnection costs. The sharing of interconnection costs may
contribute to decrease the price of connectivity to end users in
developing countries, facilitating the universalization of access.
Interconnection fees for the use of
networks and infrastructure shall be set on the basis of objective,
non-discriminatory and market-led and cost
parameters 10 Regional and national infrastructure: Regional and national ICT backbones and exchange points should be [implemented/developed] to facilitate traffic exchange between countries. Reinvigorate the project for the modernization and extension of the existing PANAFTEL network and remove all obstacles to the implementation of the RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communications Organization) project. 10 A Special circumstances of Small Island Developing States (SIDS): These countries, with fragile ecosystems vulnerable to environmental hazards, and characterized by small, homogenous markets, high costs of access and equipment, human resource constraints exacerbated by the problem of "brain-drain", limited access to networks and remote locations, will require particular attention and tailored solutions to meet their needs.16 11 Environmental protection: Governments, parliaments and the business community shall initiate actions as well as developing and implementing programmes and projects for the environmentally-safe disposal (including recycling) of discarded ICT hardware and parts. 11 A Interconnection fees: Interconnection fees for the use of networks and infrastructure shall be set on the basis of objective, non-discriminatory parameters.17 11 B Environmental protection: Governments and the business community must develop and implement programmes and projects for the protection and safety of the environment which include the recycling of discarded ICT hardware and parts.18 2) Access to information and communication technologies and knowledge12 Individuals and organizations should benefit from unhindered access to knowledge and information, and reliable information.19 12 A Creation of content models whereby content in digital format is freely available, while paper-printed versions or CD burned versions may be sold by institutional or commercial channels.20 12 B Universal and affordable access to ICTs remains one of the biggest challenges for bridging the digital divide. The design, financing and implementation of programmes with the objective of providing access and connectivity to excluded populations of developing countries should be conducted under the guidance of competent national authorities, in partnership with international organizations, the private sector and civil society.21 13 Access to public domain information: Information in the public domain should be of high quality and easily accessible for all, including the [disabled/disadvantaged groups]. Alternate paragraph 13: Publicly available information should be easily accessible for all and should take into account design standards for disabled persons. Multilingual content should be encouraged.22 13 A Criteria must be set as to what constitutes public information, the conditions under which it may be accessed and the standards to be observed by those who compile, publish or administer it, based on the safeguarding of the individual's right to privacy and defining the scope of its use and the responsibilities of those who have access to it.23 13 B Libraries: All stakeholders should support the diverse network of existing libraries and should support those countries which plan to develop their own. A modest level of investment in new technology, training and above all, content provision could kick-start the information revolution in many regions by broadening access and developing skills. Government should establish multi-purpose community public access points, providing affordable or free-of-charge access for the citizens to the Internet, and possessing sufficient capacity to provide assistance to users, in libraries, educational institutions, public administrations or other public places. The public library service should be adapted to the digital era.24 13 C Archives: Governments should: – develop appropriate legislation and implementation measures ensuring access by citizens to public information on an equal basis with due regard for protecting privacy – provide appropriate training for archives users, staff and future staff – promote policies that increase public awareness of archives and records25 14 Open standards and open-source software: Development and deployment of open-source software and open standards for ICT networking should be encouraged to provide freedom of choice and to facilitate access to ICTs by all citizens, at an affordable cost: – Open, flexible and interoperable international standards should be developed and promoted to ensure that all can utilize the technology and associated content and services to their maximum potential.
– Open-source software, including – Standardization efforts in the field of terminology and other language resources should be intensified.26 – Development and deployment of public copyleft software should be encouraged. – Awareness of open-source/free software/copyleft software should be created, especially in the developing countries. – Promote interoperability principles and metadata standards to facilitate cooperation and effective and efficient use of collected data and information. – Promote electronic publishing, differential pricing schemes and appropriate open source initiatives to make scientific information affordable and accessible on an equitable basis in all countries. Alternate 1 paragraph 14: Adoption of open-source/free software shall be actively considered by all public authorities and bodies.27 Alternate 2 paragraph 14: Open standards and open-source software: Development and deployment of open-source software and standards for ICT networking should be encouraged: – Open and flexible international and interoperable standards should be promoted to ensure that all can utilize the technology and associated content and services to their maximum potential. – Open-source software, including UNESCO software CDS/ISIS, multi-platform and open platform as well as interoperability standards, should be used more broadly to provide freedom of choice and to facilitate access to ICTs by all citizens, at an affordable cost. – Standardization efforts in the field of terminology and other language resources should be intensified.28 Alternate 3 paragraph 14: Open international standards: Development and deployment of open, flexible and interoperable international standards for ICT networking, the creation and dissemination of content and network services, should be promoted to ensure that all can utilize the technology and associated content and services to their maximum potential. Standardization efforts in the field of terminology and other language resources should be intensified.29 14 A Open source software: Development and deployment of open-source software, including the UNESCO software CDS/ISIS, should be used more broadly to provide freedom of choice and to facilitate access to ICTs by all citizens, at affordable costs.30 15 Information flows: Guidelines should be established and, where necessary, for Internet contracts and existing contracts renegotiated so as to allow more equitable access to all countries.31, 32, 33 Alternate paragraph 15: Information flows: Guidelines on Internet contracts should be established and existing contracts for Internet traffic renegotiated, in accordance with the legal provisions of each country. These Internet contracts should include some code of ethics and available best practices.34 3) The role of governments/States], parliaments, United Nations international organization, the business sector and civil society in the promotion of ICTs for development16 The full and effective
involvement of all stakeholders including women is vital in
developing new ICT applications and content. 16 A States have an important role to play in promoting universal access to the information society. Developing countries should formulate and adopt a national vision of the information society, designing and implementing ICT-strategies appropriate to their circumstances and national interests.35 16 B Civil society and the private sector should be involved in the implementation of national policies, complementing State initiatives in their respective areas of competence and sharing the burden of costs and the social responsibilities involved.36 17 Cooperation among Stakeholders: Increased cooperation and partnerships are needed between governmental and intergovernmental organizations, parliaments, the private sector, civil society and the media, for the effective design and implementation of initiatives related to the information Society, giving priority to locally-available human resources: – The public sector should improve national legislation pertaining to the building of the Information Society, explore innovative ways to correct market failures and foster innovative approaches including competition to bring the Information Society to all sectors of the economy and society, especially those living in poverty. – National government and local authorities must prioritize and promote local ICT initiatives to serve local, national and regional communities. – The private sector should play an important role in the development and diffusion of ICTs. – Civil society, including NGOs, should work closely [with/in integrating ICTs into] communities, and in strengthening ICT-related initiatives that support development. They should be fully involved in the formulation and implementation of ICTs and sustainable development strategies. – Mass media - in their various forms - are recognized as important means of fostering public information, societal development and social cohesion.
– International and regional organizations,
including financial and development institutions should [
– International organizations should be mandated
to mainstream ICTs in their work programmes and [ – Develop projects that promote dialogue within and between cultures and civilizations via electronic networks. – Promote further research programmes on issues related to the goals approved by the United Nations Millennium Assembly especially in the developing countries. – Parliaments should exercise more effectively their legislative and oversight functions with a view to creating conditions particularly favourable for promotion of ICTs for development, and should strive to enhance democracy through the use of ICTs. – Governments should establish and use electronic marketplaces for procuring goods and services. Governments should assist local business to transact business with them using such markets. – Multinational corporations should play a facilitating role in the introduction of e business through their role as a significant purchaser of goods and services locally. Alternate paragraph 17: Cooperation among stakeholders: Increased cooperation and partnerships are needed between governmental and intergovernmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and the media, for effective design and implementation of various initiatives, giving priority to locally-available human resources:
– The public sector should explore innovative ways
– The private sector should play an important role in the development and diffusion of ICTs in all sectors of the economy and society. – Civil society, including NGOs, should work closely with communities in strengthening ICT-related initiatives. – Mass media - in their various forms - are recognized as important means of fostering public information, societal development and social cohesion.
– International and regional organizations,
including financial and development institutions should play an
important role in
– International organizations should give
priority to ICTs in their work programmes and 17 A Measures to overcome the digital divide should reflect a consensus and highlight not only the growing social responsibility of enterprises, but also the increasing demand for more NGO accountability in the national societies where they operate.38 18 Resource mobilization: All stakeholders are urged to mobilize resources for the development of the Information Society. This could include:39 – Increasing investment in [telecommunication infrastructure/Information and Communication Technologies]. – Building human capacity. – Developing comprehensive policy and regulatory frameworks, – Developing culturally [sensitive/appropriate] local content and applications. – Creating new business market based to provide services to unconnected areas. – Giving strong support to Africa for mobilizing the resources necessary for implementing NEPAD's ICT component. 19 ICT manufacturing capabilities: It is essential for governments to encourage technology development, transfer and investment, including venture capital, in the creation of national and regional ICT production facilities: – Priority incentives given [shall/should] be [placed on/given to] strengthening local micro enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through their integration into the digital economy. Partnership mechanisms and business models should be developed for fostering clustering and partnership between SMEs in developing countries and industrialized countries. – Public policies [must/should] foster innovation and entrepreneurship. – The development of technology-based firms should be encouraged through venture capital funds, technology parks and business incubators, franchising IT clubs, together with the participation of academic institutions and research networks. – Joint stakeholder efforts to address local obstacles and seek sustainable solutions for infrastructure in underprivileged areas should be encouraged.
– Governments [should/shall] implement
targeted monetary and fiscal policies to support the development of
SMEs in the ICT sector 19 A Interoperability: Interoperability is critical to the effective use of ICT and the WSIS should seek to raise awareness of the importance of international interoperability standards for global e-commerce, and the feasibility of establishing a flexible and open global standards framework.41 19 B Developing countries must be aware that mainstreaming ICTs into public policies, supported by many in theory, could lead to a surge in ICT imports and consumption, pressuring their balance of payments and promoting "de industrialization", without necessarily producing the desired social and economic benefits. Appropriate national policies must be sought to prevent this from happening.42 4) Capacity building: human resources development, education, and training4320 An ambitious and innovative approach is required in capacity building, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICTs. 21 ICTs in education: The use of ICTs could contribute to more efficiency and better quality in education services. They should also contribute to reaching broader target groups: – Information regarding the potential of new technologies in education should be disseminated through exchange of information on best practices, awareness campaigns, pilot projects, demonstrations and public discussions. – ICTs should be incorporated in school curricula and in the curricula of teacher training institutions. – ICTs should be used to train trainers and to ensure better delivery of education at all levels, including outside the educational structure, at the workplace and in the home. – Teacher's skills and curriculum resources need increased support so that teachers can act as a gateway to the Information Society.
– There should be a large-scale integration of
ICTs in – The capacity of developing and least developed countries and countries whose economy is in transition, to apply ICTs effectively in education must be enhanced through regional and international cooperation. – Facilitate the development of affordable solutions in terms of hardware and software tailored to the needs of all educational levels and to local conditions while promoting the combination of various media, both traditional and new. – Use ICTs to increase women's knowledge and thus enable gender barriers to be removed. – Develop affordable solutions in terms of hardware and software tailored to the needs of all educational levels and to local conditions while promoting the combination of various media, both traditional and new. – ICT education should be seen as one more way to create challenging opportunities and job creation in special for low income people. – Particular attention must be paid to the development of distance training by pooling available resources at the subregional, regional and global levels and taking account of proven practices and experiences. Alternate 1 paragraph 21: The use of ICTs could contribute to more efficiency and better quality in education services as well as ensuring equal access to education by girls and women. – Information regarding the potential of new technologies in education should be disseminated through exchange of information on best practices, awareness campaigns, pilot projects, demonstrations and public discussions. – ICTs should be incorporated in school curricula. All students completing secondary school should have developed a basic grasp of ICTs. – ICTs should be used to train trainers and to ensure better delivery of education at all levels, including outside the educational structure, at the workplace and in the home. This should be done recognizing the barriers faced by women and girls in benefiting from ICTs. – Teachers skills and curriculum resources need increased support so that teachers can act as a gateway to the Information Society. – There should be a large-scale integration of ICTs in primary education to generate a dynamic process towards e-literacy, with equal access for girls and boys.
– The capacity of developing and least developed
countries to apply ICTs effectively in education Alternate 2 paragraph 21: ICTs in education: The use of ICTs could contribute to more efficiency and better quality in education services. Like the press, radio and television, and in partnership with those media, ICTs can contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, and the sharing of knowledge and information. They should also contribute to the following:
– The dissemination of information
regarding the potential of new technologies in education
– The incorporation of ICTs
– The use of ICTs
– Increased support for teachers' skills
and curriculum resources
– – Securing continuous education that affords individuals the opportunity not only to make use of technological advances and acquire information, but also to innovate and develop skills related to the capacity to create, modify and synthesize knowledge. – Focusing efforts on the review and approval of ICT-related curricula in keeping with quality standards, in order to contribute to improved training so that professional and technical managers meet the requirements of industry.45 21 A The development of human capital is a key component of the information society.46 21 B Technological change will require the progressive integration of ICT related skills and notions into national basic education curricula, as well as specific programmes for on-the-job training and long distance learning. Developing countries face major existing problems, such as access to education and inadequate educational content and teaching methods.47 22 Capacity building for ICT use: ICT literacy and skills levels should be enhanced to ensure the best use of the Information Society: – Computer literacy and education for all are vital elements of the information society. Access to information can only be meaningful if illiteracy is eradicated. Quality education through lifelong learning is vital for critical assessment and evaluation of information by everyone. – Relevant education and training, adapted to local needs, should be promoted at every level, from primary to adult education, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and especially the disadvantaged. Overcoming illiteracy is a basic first step to providing access to information.
– Women should be given equal opportunities for
– Young people should be equipped with knowledge and skills in ICTs to prepare them for full participation in the Information Society. – People should be trained in the use of ICTs through e-literacy courses with a view to producing useful and socially meaningful content for the benefit of all. – Intergovernmental organizations should provide resources for capacity building in ICTs.
– ICT education and information should be tailored
to the need and culture of all those still outside the reach of the
formal education system, especially women and girls, who
constitute the majority of school drop-outs – Community media should be used in capacity building programmes. – Promote sustainable capacity building and education initiatives to ensure that the new opportunities offered by ICTs for the production and sharing of scientific data and information can be realized in all countries. – Encourage initiatives to increase scientific literacy and consumer awareness of how to select and interpret scientific information published on the World Wide Web, recognizing the key role of the media in communicating science. – E-facilitation: Local businesses should be informed of e-business concepts and practices to help them succeed. Written guides and active facilitation centres should be developed and widely distributed for this purpose.
Alternate paragraph 22: Capacity building
for ICT use: People must have – Relevant education and training should be promoted at every level, from primary to adult, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and especially the disadvantaged. – Women should be given equal opportunities for obtaining training in the ICT field. – Young people should be equipped with knowledge and skills in ICTs to prepare them for full participation in the Information Society. – E-literacy courses should be aimed at training the population in the use of ICTs with a view to producing useful and socially meaningful content for the benefit of all. – Intergovernmental organizations should provide resources for capacity building in ICTs. – All those still outside the reach of the formal education system should be offered education and information tailored to their needs and culture.
– 23 Training ICT specialists: Basic and advanced education should be improved and made accessible to girls and women to help create a critical mass of highly qualified and skilled ICT professionals and experts: – Education in network infrastructure development and operation is critical for the availability of efficient, reliable, competitive and secure ICT network services.
– The formation and maintenance of a workforce to
act as a pillar of the Information Society – Women should be encouraged to enter and continue in this field through specific measures and programmes (advertising campaigns, scholarships).
– South to North and East to West brain
drain should be prevented, in particular through the creation – The exchange of experiences between specialists in different fields should be encouraged as a means of contributing effectively to the transfer of know-how and knowledge. Alternate paragraph 23: Training ICT specialists: Basic and advanced education should be improved to help create a critical mass of highly qualified and skilled ICT professionals and experts: – Education in network infrastructure development and operation is critical for the availability of efficient, reliable, competitive and secure ICT network services.
– The formation and
maintenance of a workforce represents
– 5) Security24 Secure and reliable infrastructure: The security of networks is one of the critical issues for the use of the new technologies in general but specially for the continued growth of electronic commerce: All stakeholders concerned with ICTs should take the necessary steps to enhance security, user confidence and other aspects of information and system/network integrity in order to avoid the risk of wholesale disruption and destruction of the network systems on which we are increasingly dependent. Security and confidence-building requires appropriate national legislative frameworks that safeguard the public and general interest with regard to electronic communications and transactions. It will also require raising awareness of information security issues, and the rapidly evolving complexity, capacity and reach of ICTs, the anonymity offered by these technologies, and the trans-national nature of communication frameworks.
[Special mechanisms [shall/should] be put in
place to encourage the [banking/services] and business sector
to develop secure and reliable applications to facilitate online
transactions and e-commerce. All stakeholders should have the necessary mechanisms in place to ensure that their computer systems are protected, their systems are able to detect unauthorized activity, they are able to respond to such unauthorized activity and recover quickly from any damage done to their systems after such activity.
paragraph 24: Secure and reliable infrastructure:
The security of networks has emerged as one of the
critical issues for the continued growth of electronic commerce and
the use of the new
25 Information Security: Effective information security could be guaranteed not only by technology, but also by education and training, policy and law, and international cooperation. [The United Nations [should/shall] be supported in its efforts aimed at/International cooperation should be promoted. For example]:51 – Assessing the information security situation, including harmful interference or abuse using information and communication [systems/technologies] and information resources.
– Developing methods for protection of ICTs, to
– [Studying the
– Recognizing the principle of fair, equitable and
appropriate access to ICTs for all countries, special attention
should be paid to the fact that ICTs can potentially be used for
purposes that are inconsistent with the objectives of maintaining
international stability and security, and may adversely affect the
integrity of the infrastructure within States – International cooperation should be developed to fight all forms of the surveillance and monitoring system infringing upon the values of human rights and democracy. – Protection against illegal monitoring of private information held by civil society and private sector must be assured. – National compulsory projects using ICTS, such as electronic national id card initiatives and electronic health care card initiatives, should be prudently assessed, with consideration of privacy issues. 26 Creating a global culture of cyber-security: In the long term, a "global culture of cyber security", should be developed, based on [a common understanding of regulations and appropriate mechanisms for information and technology exchange and international cooperation. It is important to strike the right balance between measures to enhance security and the need to ensure the protection of data and privacy as well as to avoid the creation of new barriers to trade. Due attention [should/must] be given to the principle of technological neutrality/UN Resolution (UNGA Resolution 57/239), and the United Nations should be supported in its efforts aimed at promoting a global culture of cyber-security.] Supporting the creation of mechanisms for the early detection and warning of computer viruses, trojans, worms and other malicious computer network attacks on both public and private networks. These could be based on the proven methodologies and systems with the CERTS that have been established in a range of countries. The methodology for development of this proposal could also draw upon the eSecurity work of the APEC Tel Working Group, such as the development of information seminars and of CERT guidelines and related training.52 26 A A global culture of cybersecurity shall be created, with due respect to human rights, including the right to communication, freedom of expression and privacy.53 26 B A multilateral, transparent and democratic mechanism of internet governance shall constitute the basis for the development of a global culture of cybersecurity.54 26 C Responsibility for securing the cyberspace must be shared by all countries, according to their level of social and economic development. Concerns over cybersecurity must not override the development-oriented focus of the information society, taking into account that developing countries face shortage of human and financial resources to develop ICTs social applications, such as distance learning, telemedicine and telework.55 27 Fighting cybercrime: Protection from civil and criminal offences ("cybercrime") is essential in order to build trust in information networks:56
– A multi-pronged approach is needed to tackle
cybercrime, on all fronts, with emphasis on preventive approaches,
including the development and improvement of national legislation
aimed at preventing and combating cybercrime, national guidelines
and regional and international cooperation. [At the same time, action
to address Cybercrime and cyberdiscrimination, and to ensure a
safe and secure Information Society must respect the sovereignty of
nations and maintain respect for the constitutional and other rights
of all persons, [including/particularly] freedom of
– Existing legal [instruments/mechanisms], such as the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, offer the international community a foundation from which to build.57 – Within their field of competence, international organizations especially UNESCO have a specific role and responsibility for action. In particular, a clearing house should be established for the exchange of information and to promote cooperation among groups concerned with child abuse. – Disseminate information among researchers, and promote exchange of information among child care and child protection organizations, ISPs, Web masters, police and judicial institutions, media practitioners, citizens and civic groups and other concerned groups. – Establish an international legal framework to prohibit producing and circulating pornographic contents and harmful materials throughout the internet under the auspices of UNESCO. Alternate paragraph 27: Fighting cybercrime: Protection from civil and criminal offences ("cybercrime") is essential in order to build trust in information networks:
– A multi-pronged approach is needed to
tackle cybercrime, on all fronts, with emphasis on
preventive approaches, national 27 A Given the current fears that information and communication technologies could be used for purposes that are incompatible with efforts to secure international stability and security and that could have a negative impact on both the civil and military security of States, and given also the need to prevent the use of information resources or technologies for criminal or terrorist ends, the following measures are required: 1 the creation of appropriate mechanisms for increasing the level of awareness regarding the importance of ensuring security in the area of information and communication networks; 2 examination of existing and potential threats to the security of information and communication networks and of ways and means of combating such threats; 3 broadening of the scale of technical information exchanges and international cooperation aimed at enhancing the security of information and communication networks; 4 a contribution to the efforts being made within the framework of the United Nations system with a view to: – assessing the status of information security, including harmful interference or the abusive use of information and communication systems and information resources; – developing methods to combat infringements of security and establishing organizations to provide an effective response in the event of such infringements, as well as exchanging information and technical facilities to that end; – examining the possibility of developing, in the long term, an international convention on security in the field of information networks and communication networks.59 27 B Governments should develop principles and rules in their national legislation, policy and practice on security, privacy and consumer protection in order to create trust and confidence among the users of the Internet. The OECD's guidelines on these matters (Guidelines for Privacy Protection, Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems, Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce, New Policy and Practical Guidance to Implement the 1980 Privacy Guidelines on Global Networks) provide a minimal standard and could be the basis for a global trust agenda. The WSIS should develop and endorse an instrument with principles and rules based on these guidelines. Governments should, in collaboration with the business sector, adopt a specific common policy against the inherently global threat of crimes committed using information technology - cybercrime - through legislation and international co operation. The Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime lays down balanced standards and creates a co-operation process open to all States. Governments should develop national data protection laws that strike a fair balance between respect for the privacy of individuals and the free flow of information between peoples. This balance is the essence of the Council of Europe's Data Protection Convention, also open to all States. The WSIS should develop and endorse an instrument with principles and rules based on the Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol, as well as the Council of Europe's Data Protection Convention and its Additional Protocol.60 6) Enabling environment28 Good governance: To maximize the economic and social benefits of the Information Society, governments [need to create/should foster] a trustworthy, transparent, and non-discriminatory legal, regulatory and policy environment, capable of, on the one hand, promoting technological innovation and competition, and, on the other hand, providing appropriate incentives to favour the necessary investments, mainly from the private sector, in the deployment of infrastructures and development of new services: – Commitment and responsibility should be defined at the international, national and regional levels. – With the active participation of all stakeholders, including women, the development of an enabling environment should give due regard to the rights and obligations of all stakeholders in such areas as freedom of expression, consumer protection, privacy, security, intellectual property rights, open-source solutions and management of Internet addresses and domain names, while also maintaining economic incentives and ensuring trust and confidence for business activities. – Recognize that there is an important role for science in developing and implementing the new governance mechanisms that are necessary in the information society. Alternate paragraph 28: Good governance: With the active participation of all stakeholders, the development of an enabling environment should give due regard to the rights and obligations of all stakeholders.61 28 A To maximize the economic and social benefits of the "information society", developing countries need to create a clear and effective legal, regulatory and policy environment, suited to their national characteristics and needs. the promotion of local technological development and digital inclusion should be factored in the national policies.62 28 B The design and implementation of policy for development based upon the utilization of ICTs should be guided by principles of equity and universality, such as access for everyone everywhere, at a cost truly within the reach of the public.63 28 C Policies should be conceived and implemented with the participation of civil society and the private sector, taking into account the public interest.64 28 D All countries should develop their statistical infrastructure and guarantee high-quality, independent and free access to statistical information. They should provide basic statistical indicators and analysis on the developments of key dimensions of the Information Society. Priority should be given to setting up coherent and internationally comparable indicator systems.65 29 Market environment: The availability of telecommunication infrastructures and affordable telecommunications services and ICT equipment are prerequisites for access and use of ICTs by all: – [Competition, including in the local/innovative approaches such as competition, including the better use of the local] access network, should be promoted to drive down prices and to ensure the ongoing modernization of networks and services.
– Investment in rural communications should be
encouraged through the availability of economic solutions and – Duties levied on ICT hardware and software should be [removed/set in order to provide affordable telecommunications services and ICT equipment]. – Monopoly in mass communication should be avoided and diversity in the sources of information should be promoted. – In order to secure prompt settlement of disputes, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) should be considered along with normal judicial proceedings as long as they respect the sovereignty of nations and maintain respect for the constitutional and human rights of all persons, including freedom of expression. Alternate bullet 5: Establishing an effective dispute settlement system: Building trust for the development of the Information Society is essential. Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) should be considered along with normal judicial proceeding, so that ICT users can effectively and promptly resolve the disputes. ADR should be based on independence, fairness and transparency in consideration of users' affordability, accessibility and the principle of settling the disputes between the parties concerned. – Local, small and medium size enterprises should be fostered. – Nevertheless, competition is only one out of many ways to drive down prices and to ensure the ongoing modernization of networks and services. In several cases, an active involvement of governments through public investments and programmes of development, it is of strategic importance. Furthermore, international co-operation will be necessary to assist developing countries facing special difficulties in the fulfilment of this objective.
Alternate paragraph 29: The availability
– Healthy competition
– Investment in rural communications
– The removal of duties levied on ICT hardware
and software
– 29 A Poverty reduction: In order to mainstream access and effective use of ICTs by poor people, actors of the public and private domain should envisage the following non-discriminatory actions (as far as the competitive market is not able to ensure it): – create a regulatory environment which takes the specific needs of poor people into account, by exempting service providers in rural areas from operating fees, by asymmetric interconnection fees in promoting rural-urban connections over urban-rural traffic, by tax exemption of telecom equipment for rural areas, etc.; – take positive actions in favour of poor people, in particular, establish transparent national funds for universal access or an equivalent measure to support effective ICT access in remote regions and by marginalized people; – promote the creation, dissemination and exchange of local, relevant content, according to local needs; – encourage direct and gender balanced representation of the poor (in particular community based organizations, NGOs) in the national and international arena (multilateral negotiations, NGO advocacy, media) and empower local institutions and networks to combat poverty; – ensure gender balanced services, notably by a women-inclusive training policy and by respecting gender balance in employment for ICT-related jobs; – mainstream ICT attention in the elaboration and implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP.67 29 B Employment creation: Actors of the public and private domain need to promote an enabling environment for the use of ICTs in the productive sector in order to create employment, in particular by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and support start-ups in order to generate additional income.68 29 C Research: Governments should encourage research to develop a greater understanding of the role of ICTs in economic growth and social development and to identify best practices revealing ICTs' impact on growth, development and their enabling factors. A sound analytical base helps create a convincing case for the required policy strategies and reforms likely to generate economic gains and social benefits. Guidelines for policies that need to be put in place should be developed by 2005.69 30 Standardization: The development of the Information Society [must/should] be based on platforms of internationally interoperable technical standards accessible for all, accessible for all, and technological innovation in ICTs, as well as systems to promote the exchange of knowledge at global, regional and sub-regional levels, through any media.70 31 Spectrum management: The radio frequency spectrum should be managed in the public and general interest and in accordance with the basic principle of legality, with full observance of national laws and regulations and as well as relevant international agreements. 32 Consumer protection: The loss of privacy, the loss of consumers' rights during commercial transactions, illegal and harmful content and the protection of minors raise real consumer fears. Assurance of the confidentiality of personal information is essential in building the Information Society. In addition, policies and codes to address spamming are increasingly important for consumer protection.71 Alternate 1 paragraph 32: Consumer protection: Offering widespread advantages to consumers who access information and knowledge through ICTs, and reducing significant risks without destroying the advantages are essential in building the Information Society. There is a real consumer fear concerning the loss of privacy, the fraudulent practices and the protection of minors. • the confidentiality of personal information should be preserved, • fraud, misrepresentation and unfairness by suppliers should be avoided. Damages caused by failure to perform and defective products should be recovered, • illegal and harmful content should not be created and supplied.72 Alternate 2 paragraph 32: Consumer protection: Assurance of the confidentiality of personal information is essential in building the Information Society, as there is a real consumer fear concerning the loss of privacy as well as in relation to the fight against illegal and harmful content and the protection of minors.73 32 A Spam: Spam is a significant and growing problem. There is a need to examine options to help treat the problem such as a holistic approach to restrict the activities of spammers and minimise the damage they do, whilst still accommodating legitimate and responsible direct marketing activities. This will involve ISPs playing their part, both in educating their users and in dealing with spammers and spamming activity. Countries need to cooperate to help detect, prosecute or deter international scams using spam. More work is necessary to counter the problem, requiring broad international commitment, cooperation and resources.74 33 Internet governance: Internet governance has emerged as a key issue of the information society. A transparent multilateral and democratic governance of the Internet shall constitute the basis for the development of a global culture of cyber-security. An [international/intergovernmental] organization should ensure multilateral, democratic and transparent management of root servers, domain names and Internet Protocol (IP) address assignment.75 Alternate paragraph 33: Internet governance should be multilateral and transparent, taking into account the needs of the public and private sectors as well as those of the civil society, and respecting multilingualism. The coordination responsible for root servers, domain names and Internet Protocol (IP) address assignment should rest with a suitable organization.76 33 A The Internet is the base of the information society. The internet must be considered a public, international domain. Every country and every person have the right to be connected and to take full advantage of the benefits offered by the internet. The administration of root servers, domain names and internet protocol addresses must be under the responsibility of a multilateral, democratic and transparent international organisation. Full access to the mechanisms of internet governance must be granted to developing countries. 34 Intellectual property rights: It is important to [ensure a balance between intellectual property rights (IPR) and the public interest/ensure fair balance between the interests of intellectual property owners and those of the users of information]:77
– While IPRs play a vital role in fostering
innovation in software, e-commerce and associated trade and
investment, there is a need – The extension of the term of protection of proprietary rights, and the so-called "dominio pagante" ("domaine public payant"), should be eliminated in order to achieve a balance. – An appropriate legal framework should be defined for the development of a public domain of information and knowledge. – [Protection against unfair use of indigenous knowledge should be strenghthened/Use of appropriate technology shall be promoted to share personal scientific knowledge and pre prints and reprints written by scientific authors who have waived their rights to payment/Appropriate measures to protect against unfair use of Traditional Knowledge could be explored.]78. – Ensure that any legal regime on database protection guarantees full and open access to data created with public funding. Restrictions on proprietary data should also be designed so as to maximize availability for academic research and teaching purposes. 7) Promotion of development-oriented ICT applications for all35 ICTs can support social and economic development. But it is also important to ensure that traditional models are recognized and respected, so that non-users of ICTs are not marginalized. The following examples are intended to illustrate the potential for this.79 36 E-Government: Public administrations [should/shall] use ICT tools to provide better services to its citizens and to enhance transparency, accountability and efficiency - at all levels of government, and in particular at the local level:80 – In the delivery of public services to citizens and to enterprises, including online access to legislation. – In the design of online services, adapted to the needs of citizens and businesses. – In the better management of financial, human and public resources and goods. – Provide long term support for the systematic and efficient collection, preservation and provision of essential digital data, e.g. population and meteorological data, in all countries. Alternate paragraph 36: Governments should, within their national e-strategies develop e-government strategies as a tool to enhance efficiency and effectiveness within government and to make public processes (such as accounting and procurement) more transparent – Policy guidelines on e-governance at local, regional and national levels should be developed by 2005. They should focus on: – the necessary partnerships between the different levels of public administration and how to collaborate more effectively across agencies to address complex, shared problems – how to build relationships with private sector partners – how to enhance customer focus – increased public participation in decision-making with the help of ICT – e-enabled access to publicly held information, social services and justice – the development of comprehensive cultural strategies and sustainable spatial planning policies for the information society.81 37 E-business: Enterprises, particularly SMEs, can use ICTs to foster innovation, realize gains in productivity, fight against poverty, reduce transaction costs and benefit from network externalities. It is important to cooperate with or support the existing forum such as GBDs, in promoting e commerce: – Through the adoption of an enabling environment and based on a widely-available Internet access and broadband infrastructure. Governments should seek to stimulate private investment, new applications and content development and foster public/private partnerships. – Governments should adopt a twofold approach: setting the rules and using e-business in their interaction with the business community. – ICTs can be used to bring consumer benefits and satisfaction by widening the choice of potential suppliers, beyond the constraints of location. The private sector should help to raise awareness and to ensure training on the specific issues related to e-business.
– Use of digital technologies can enhance the role
of enterprises in promoting entrepreneurship, – E-business and e-commerce can largely contribute to the development of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have a very important social function in job creation, especially in developing countries. Governments, in partnership with the private sector and civil society, must enable SMEs to take the opportunities offered by e-commerce and e-business. – Culture. ICT networks can provide cultural and national institutions with the means to extend public access to their cultural heritage. – Appropriate measures to protect against unfair use of traditional knowledge should be identified. – International organizations, supported by both the public and the private sector, should promote the benefits of international trade and the use of e-business. Education and understanding of the use of such trade to increase growth and wealth are key. International organizations and regional trade bodies should press countries to adopt liberalized tariff and quota policies and equitable and efficient treatment of goods and services imported and exported. Governments in developing countries should be encouraged to undertake basic policy reforms and should understand how liberalization of their processes and policies assist e-business to flourish both internationally and domestically.
Alternate paragraph 37: E business:
Enterprises, particularly SMEs, can use ICTs to foster innovation,
– Through the adoption of an enabling environment and based on a widely-available broadband infrastructure, Governments should seek to stimulate private investment, new applications and content development and foster public-private partnerships. Governments should adopt a twofold approach: setting the rules and using e business in their interaction with the business community.
ICTs can be used to bring consumer benefits and
Use of digital technologies can enhance the role of
enterprises in promoting entrepreneurship, 38 E-learning: Access to education and knowledge is essential for economic, social and cultural development, and as a means of personal empowerment, community development and [business efficiency/effectiveness of economic activity]. Without neglecting traditional literacy, ICT networks have the potential to offer new educational opportunities to all groups in all areas, and a wider delivery of education especially to those sectors of the population who have less access to education:83 – E-learning should contribute to achieving universal primary education worldwide through better delivery of [education/training] and better training of teachers, and to offer improved conditions for lifelong learning, encompassing people that are outside the "normal" education process, and for improving professional skills. Due to their lower rates of enrolment and higher rates of attrition, women and girls should be targeted for e-learning. – Implementation of affordable and universal educational programmes, content, regular and broadband access networks and hardware should be promoted. – The introduction and development of ICTs in various schools and other learning institutions [shall/should] be supported through the [establishment/utilization] and maintenance of a human resources network that institutionalizes the ongoing training of teachers and instructors, who are the backbone of innovation. – Advantage [shall/should] be taken of best practices to create high-quality, gender-sensitive and readily accessible teaching material from all over the world to facilitate knowledge transfer to the national level. – Special attention [shall/should] be devoted to multilingual training and to the use and development of language software including translation software. – In small, remote communities, ICTs could ensure that youth have access to comprehensive and varied training programmes, which would enable local teaching establishments to be maintained in spite of the small number of students.
Alternate paragraph 38: E learning:
Access to education and knowledge is essential for economic,
social and cultural development, and as a means of personal
– E-learning should contribute to achieving universal primary education worldwide through better delivery of education and better training of teachers, and to offer improved conditions for lifelong learning, encompassing people that are outside the "normal" education process, and for improving professional skills.
– Implementation of
– The introduction and development of ICTs in
– Advantage
– Special attention 38 A Particular attention should be given to children and the means of improving their perspectives for the future through technology enhanced or supported education, adaptation of curricula to the changing requirements of the job market and skills programmes for digital literacy and technical capacitation.84 38 B Actions should aim at promoting universal access to knowledge via high quality education, including distance learning for under-served areas, non-formal education and teacher training adapted to the specificities of each region. special projects for citizens in active use of ICTS, for the achievement of broader digital literacy and the creation of a culture of life-long learning in ICT deployment are also very important initiatives.85 38 C Clear strategies must be developed in all countries, taking into account different regional structures, with the aim of ensuring that all citizens have the knowledge necessary to live, work, and develop their potential in the new knowledge-based society, while understanding that the use of ICTs and, in particular, internet access are not luxuries or a more effective path to consumption, but tools and vehicles for increasing access to high quality education, welfare and citizenship.86 38 D ICTs can accelerate the education of marginalized population groups and those living in extreme poverty, with the support of international organizations, NGOs and the private sector, stimulating the creation of local opportunities.87 39 E-health:
[Access to health care information and services is [a basic
right/essential]/ – ICTs should be used to promote social inclusion of all members of society by enabling equitable access to healthcare services, especially for women who are primary health care providers for their families, as well as empowering citizens to better manage their own health and to participate more effectively in the healthcare process. – Innovative solutions and options [must/should] be devised for providing health services to under-served areas.
– Another e-health priority [shall/should]
be the prevention, treatment – ICT should be used for the preparation and dissemination of accessible information that strengthens prevention programmes and promotes women's and men's health. – ICTs can be used to provide e-health supports to specific groups (such as the elderly, the chronically ill and children). – An ICT-based e-health network should be established to provide medical assistance following humanitarian disaster and emergencies. – A system should be established to provide e-health services to the populations in remote regions of the globe. Alternate paragraph 39: E-health: Access to health care information and services is a basic right. Many countries lack adequate health care facilities and personnel, particularly in rural and remote areas. ICTs should be incorporated on a mass scale in the field of health care with a view to improving resource use, patient satisfaction, personalized care, and the coordination of public health-care systems, private institutions and the academic sector:
– ICTs – Innovative solutions and options must be devised for providing health services to underserved areas.
– ICTs can be used to provide e-health
– An ICT-based e-health network
– A system – The portability of information that includes electronic clinical files is an unavoidable and urgent objective. All individuals should have a single electronic clinical record covering their entire lives, from birth to death. To that end, the governments of countries signatories to the Summit shall undertake to adapt their legislation and standards with a view to making the electronic clinical file valid in law. They shall also undertake to pursue the adoption of a global technical standard for the exchange of data between the information systems of all public and private health institutions.89 39 A ICTS can make sound scientific and technical information available to health workers. telehealth can connect remote populations and under-served groups to better services, thereby complementing traditional forms of public health care.90 39 B Health services in most developing countries are concentrated in urban areas, being far and fewer in rural, remote or poor regions. this represents a profound imbalance between urban-rural and rich-poor areas in terms of availability, quality, density of specialists, facilities and more advanced treatments.91 39 C Technological convergence supports services, at affordable costs, which have the potential to improve health care, decentralizing and expanding their coverage to populations that previously did not have access to them because they lived in remote areas, where medical staff and facilities were unavailable.92 39 D It should be promoted greater access to information networks for governments, health professionals and institutions, industry and civil society, through international cooperation initiatives and the creation of specific funds.93 40 E-employment: ICTs
can provide tools for new job creation and enhance competitiveness
and productivity through teleworking, enterprise networking and
efficient linking of job seekers and employers. Best practices and
new labour laws for e-workers and e-employers built on principles
of social justice and gender equality should be developed at the
international level. The role of the ILO is fundamental in this
respect. Telecommuting should be promoted to allow the best brains of
the developing world to live in their societies and work
anywhere/ 40 A Safe and healthy, secure and fair working conditions, built on principles of social justice and gender equality, to be enjoyed by all workers in the Information Society.95 40 B ICTs have the potential to foster economic growth and boost job creation. ICTs promote corporate innovation and modernization, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, providing access to new business opportunities, and thereby facilitating the creation of new and better employment.96 40 C The portion of a country's population which has the potential to be economically-active and, in particular, that part of the population whose access to the labour market is restricted owing to unemployment, underemployment, age, health, or social status can greatly benefit from the potential of ICTs. youth employment is of special relevance in developing countries due to nature of their population dynamics.97 40 D ICTs-led transformations, however, may cause the suppression of many employment posts, in particular those associated with traditional means of managing information. providing unemployed workers with the necessary educational and economic means towards their integration into the information society is a task to be undertaken by governments, in partnership with the private sector, civil society and international organizations.98 40 E ICTs imply restructuring and reengineering of enterprises, modifying the concept of employment by facilitating and streamlining the interface between employers and employees, or between those seeking and those offering personal services. countries, in particular developing ones, need to modernize their legal, regulatory and policy environment in order to maximize the economic and social benefits of the information society, while preserving fundamental labour rights and guarantees.99 41 E-environment: [Systems
should be established to prevent man-made disasters, using
ICTs to monitor the [operators of production/the environmental
impact caused by production] and transport systems 41 A "There is a need to set priorities and develop the uses of ICTs, for development in agriculture and early warning systems, for example."100 41 B Environmental monitoring resulting from data collection and data analysis should be promoted to allow governments, the business sector and civil society to face the state of their own [local] environment and undertake actions - based on information - to prevent further environmental degradations. To be efficient, this has to be done on a regular basis and has to be accessible to all stakeholders i.e. governments, the business sector and civil society.101 41 C Environmental data dissemination: The use of ICTs in a sustainable environmental protection strategy encompasses environmental data finding, environmental data analysis and environmental monitoring. Environmental data finding, analysis and monitoring provide the world community with improved access to meaningful data and information, and help increase the capacity of governments to use environmental information for decision-making and action planning for sustainable human development. Relevant international institutions should thus develop a strategy for the use of ICTs for sustainable development and as an effective instrument to help achieve the MDGs. The strategy should be ready by 2005. Governments and the private sector should develop different instruments that can help to extract the maximum environmental benefits from ICTs and speed the development of sustainability solutions throughout society. These instruments should be ready for implementation by 2005.102 41 D Sustainable consumption and production patterns: ICTs have to play a role in reducing environmental impacts and have to be employed to overcome unsustainable consumption and productions patterns. This has to be done by means of dematerialization and thus reducing the use of natural resources and waste, elimination of unnecessary standby losses of ICT equipment and ICT systems as well as an improved lifecycle.103 8) Cultural identity and linguistic diversity, local content and media development42 Cultural and linguistic diversity. Linguistic and cultural diversity enriches the development of society by giving expression to a wide range of different values and ideas. For this purpose: – Information and applications should be presented in the language and cultural context most familiar to the user, thereby further encouraging the use of ICTs. – To foster mutual understanding, diversity of cultural expression should be preserved and promoted, through the creation of varied information content and the digitization of the educational, scientific and cultural heritage. – ICTs should be used to help preserve diversity and indigenous knowledge and traditions. Means should be developed for enabling access to information resources in different languages, in particular online translation tools. Means should be developed for processing information in local languages: for instance, standard character sets and language codes, dictionaries, general and application software. Non-written languages should be preserved by supporting the use of digital audio. Tools should be developed to evaluate the social impact of ICTs and contribute to the eradication of poverty. this should be done with the involvement of all stakeholders, including the poor themselves, both in northern and southern countries. Technologies should be adapted to suit different cultures. Governments should create cultural policies with a legal framework and where necessary financial support for the protection, promotion and enhancement of cultural diversity and cultural heritage within information society. Governments should promote technologies available in the areas of translation, iconographies and voice-assisted services in order to permit all different cultures to mix with each other in the information societies and in this way to develop their own identity without being forced to abandon it. Governments should safeguard the cultural heritage as a common trust, and keep it accessible as a living part of today's culture. Standards for its preservation, enhancement, and exploitation, making full use of the potential of ICT, should be developed by 2005. Governments should promote better, wider and more equitable use of ICT at all levels of lifelong learning, and develop policies to support the use of digital material for educational and other social purposes.
Alternate paragraph 42: Cultural and
linguistic diversity. Linguistic and cultural diversity enriches
the development of society by giving expression to a range of
different values and ideas.
Information To foster mutual understanding, diversity of cultural expression should be preserved and promoted, through the creation of varied information content and the digitization of the educational, scientific and cultural heritage. All citizens should have access to services provided via sound and television broadcasting stations the content of which meets their need for broadcasts that are relevant to their own cultures and languages, in accordance with the law of each country.
ICTs should be used to help preserve ethnic
and cultural diversity and traditional knowledge Means should be found to allow access to information resources in different languages, particularly online translation tools. Means should be developed for enabling access to information resources in different languages, in particular online translation tools. Means should be developed for processing information in local languages: for instance, standard character sets and language codes, dictionaries, general and application software. Non-written languages should be preserved by using audio support.104 43 Content: Creation of local content should be supported:
– Public-private policy should foster the
creation of varied information content, which helps to preserve and
disseminate local and national culture, language and heritage – Production and exchange of appropriate local content available in the mother tongue of users is of vital importance. – Developing countries and countries whose economy is in transition [must/should] have the capacity for developing hardware and software, as well as content that is relevant to different segments of population. – To make Web content more accessible, content referencing should be encouraged, based on public/private partnership. – As the first level of contact between administrations and their citizens, local authorities have an important role to play in local content development, digital archives, diverse forms of digital media, content translation and adaptation. Those activities can also foster the development of local communities. – Literacy software should be produced in local languages. – Archives should be preserved as the memory of humankind, and systems should be developed to ensure continued access to archived digital information and multimedia content.
– Libraries, – Content should be made available in forms accessible to the non-literate.105 – Recognition and support will be given to media based in local communities, thus contributing to creation of local content, preserving and developing cultural and linguistic diversity.106 Alternate paragraph 43: Content: Creation of local content should be supported through:
– Public policy – Local creativity, mainly through the promotion of local content that responds to local needs and particularities. – Production and exchange of appropriate local content available in a user's mother tongue, which is of vital importance.
– Literacy software
– The preservation of archives
– 43 A Incentives for the development of national and regional content can play an important role to promote, diffuse and protect cultural identities.108 44 Media: ICT and media should stimulate linguistic and cultural diversity and facilitate exchange of local content: – Investment should be made in regional and community-based media content as well as new technologies. – Independent production and pluralistic media should be supported. – Appropriate multilateral television networks should be promoted. – Legal and administrative measures should be taken to prohibit undue concentration of private ownership and control of media.109 – Infrastructure: The governments shall support a generous allocation of frequencies for local radio stations at reasonable prices. Here a transmitter network concept should be used which takes into account the federal, pluralist, democratic and cultural requirements of the country. – Institutional framework: Governments should preserve or develop legislation which guarantees the independence and plurality of the media and to transform the State media (radio, TV and other) into public services which enjoy editorial independence. Governments should take legal measures limiting the concentration of the media, so as to guarantee diversified, pluralistic information sources. Governments should provide free access on the internet to information of a public nature. They should establish legislation on access to information and the protection of public data, notably in the area of the new technologies, and publish it on the home page of their website. – The media should adapt to other more recent forms of content delivery the standards applicable to the broadcast media, including: – the separation of editorial content and advertising – the protection of minors against illegal and harmful content – the prohibition of certain types of advertising. – Protection of workers: the States take clear measures to ensure that the international standards on working conditions and the right of workers to organise and be represented are applied in all the media, old and new. – Solidarity: media professionals (employers and employees) commit themselves to establish partnerships with the media in disadvantaged regions or societies. For example: – establishing twinning relationships between editorial staff; – developing exchanges of personnel; – encouraging the development of citizens' associations of listeners/viewers/surfers for conducting a critical dialogue with their media; – supporting, the professional training of journalists, in the form of courses and seminars, in using ICT and in adapting their role to a changed environment with increased competition from non-professional information providers.110 9) Identifying and overcoming barriers to the achievement of the Information Society with a human perspective44 A Careful planning and execution as well as a dynamic follow-up with the involvement of all actors should be able to identify and to overcome barriers as they arise towards the achievement of the information society.111 44 B "Identifying, at the national and international levels, the main obstacles to the building of the Information Society."112 B Objectives45 [Examples of possible concrete and comprehensive actions could include/which could be included]:113 a) Benchmarks: The following could serve as benchmarks for actions to be taken:114 – all villages to be connected by 2010, with a community access point by 2015; – all universities to be connected by 2005, all secondary schools by 2010 and all primary schools by 2015; – all hospitals to be connected by 2005 and health centres by 2010; – 90 per cent of the world's population to be within wireless coverage by 2010 and 100 per cent by 2015; – all central governments departments to have a website and email address by 2005 and all local governments departments by 2010. International effort in making available adequate Internet community access equipment under USD 100 by 2010, and under USD 50 by 2015. International effort in making available adequate and very economical infrastructure - wired or wireless (including cell phones) - to provide an extensive coverage of large parts of countries population. Increase the proportion of Internet content available in more than one language. Increase the number of languages used in association with the new information technologies. – Devise, for all interested countries, appropriate universal access policies and strategies within two (2) years. Organize, by 2005 at the latest, a donors' roundtable for the purpose of mobilizing the necessary financial resources to implement NEPAD's ICT measures. Provide all interested countries with appropriate technical assistance for the preparation of network development plans for broadband Internet and IP. Implement (and evaluate) in LDCs pilot projects on e-services/applications and IP within three (3) years. Establish an international fund to finance the initiation, study and implementation of ICT projects in rural areas, particularly in the LDCs, within (3) years. Provide, for a period of three years, technical and financial assistance for the promotion and consolidation of subregional centres of excellence and Internet training centres that can become focal points for ICT research and development. Establish, particularly in the LDCs, multipurpose access points in order to provide a wide range of e services/applications in rural areas. Establish within one (1) year pluridisciplinary national committees to be responsible for devising strategies for the achievement of the Information Society and for supervising their implementation. Support countries, particularly developing countries, in drawing up their e strategies, providing guidance and producing guidelines to that end. Introduce tax and customs incentives for the provision of ICT equipment to schools, health centres and local communities. Establish, under the aegis of ITU, a mechanism for the coordination of measures and activities carried out by international bodies in order to facilitate the promotion and development of the Information Society. Establish a mechanism for the recovery of computers and/or support existing mechanisms with a view to equipping schools, health centres and local communities. Devise and implement a mechanism to support the development of voice and touch applications allowing the advantages of ICTs to be extended to a large part of the population in developing countries. Prepare, by the end of 2005, a reference plan and guidelines on securing information and/or networks. Initiate and implement within three (3) years a technical assistance programme for developing countries enabling them to devise and implement security policies and strategies. Produce a yearly inventory of the best technologies for access to remote and rural areas in order to optimize ICT access costs. Set up within three (3) years distance training centres in the LDCs. Provide significant support and backing for the implementation of the African Language Academy's ICT programme. Setting conducive legal and regulatory framework to promote information society by 2005. All central government departments to have a website and email address by 2005 and local governments by 2010. Building awareness of the use of ICTs to all segments of society by 2020. Alternate 1 paragraph 9 (a): Benchmarks: The following could serve as benchmarks for actions to be taken: all villages to be connected by 2010, with a community access point by 2015; – all universities to be connected by 2005, all secondary schools by 2010 and all primary schools by 2015; – all hospitals to be connected by 2005 and health centres by 2010; – 90 per cent of the world's population to have wireless coverage by 2010 and 100 per cent by 2015; – all central government departments to have a website and e mail address by 2005 and all local government departments by 2010.115 Alternate 2 paragraph 9 (a): Governments should aim to make sure that all information available to citizens in electronic form is available in data formats according to open, flexible and interoperable international standards by 2005. – Governments should encourage research on the advantages and disadvantages of open source software, in particular on its use by government agencies. Results of this research should be made available by 2005. – To guarantee transparency and access to information, governments should develop strategies for their information and records management on national and local levels by 2005. – Internationally harmonized concepts, definitions and standard indicators that would guide measurements for international comparability should be developed by 2005. – Governments should encourage further research on: – the significance of the ICT sector and the macro impacts of ICTs on aggregate measures, particularly on productivity. – the access to, and the actual use of, ICTs in order to obtain a clearer picture of the digital divide. Results of this research should be made available by 2005. – The WSIS should adopt guidelines that will assist in the development of internationally compatible statistical measurement. Social cohesion: In order to overcome the obstacles, which are often created by new technologies, and to ensure the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the Information Society, Governments should envisage the following actions: – To support over the next ten years research and development programmes which promote the production and distribution of assistive technology (software, hardware and working methods) and help people with disabilities to access ICT and make the best use of it. – All internet websites to be accessible for the blind and visually impaired through appropriate standards for page design and through audio description of graphic elements by 2005. – National governing/regulation bodies for telecommunication and information technology to have a top-level delegate by 2005, assigned to maintain regular contact with the organizations of the disabled, especially with organizations of the deaf and the blind, and to make sure that the special requirements for the disabled are recognized and implemented in national laws and regulations. – All countries to have a telephone relay service as part of the universal service, which enables live communications around the clock between hearing people and deaf people/ hard of hearing people/people with speech problems. The telephone relay service should in operation for text communication systems not later than 2005, and for video communication systems not later than 2010. – The television stations take into account the information requirements of deaf and hearing impaired people in that an appropriate proportion of their programmes are subtitled or signed. – The television stations take into account the information requirements of blind and visually impaired people in that an appropriate proportion of their programmes are supplemented with video description. – By 2005, international organizations should develop their own strategies for the use of ICTs for sustainable development and as an effective instrument to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.116 b) E-strategies: National e-strategies, including the necessary human capacity-building, should be developed for all countries within three years. c) Global Digital Compact: A "Global Digital Compact" should be launched to create a new pattern for partnership and interaction between governments and non-governmental actors, based on division of labour, specialized responsibilities and, the identification of specific and common interests. It would aim at achieving shared ICT development goals. Governments would create a stimulating regulatory environment and fiscal incentives while business would bring in technology and simple applications. Non-governmental organizations would undertake awareness campaigns and work at community level, etc. This model could start from the institutional relationships already existing in ITU, with ITU as coordinator. d) Digital development index: A composite ICT Development (Digital Opportunity) Index should be launched and gradually developed. It could be published annually, or every two years, in an ICT Development Report. The index could show the ranking of countries while the report would present analytical work on policies and their implementation. ITU could coordinate this activity, drawing upon the existing experiences in various organizations, universities, think-tanks etc. e) Handbook on good practices and success stories: A "Handbook on good practices and success stories", could be developed and launched, based on a compilation of contributions from all stakeholders, in a concise and compelling format. The Handbook could be re-issued periodically and turned into a permanent experience-sharing exercise. f) Training content
workers: Content workers g) Curriculum revision: The curricula of the primary and secondary schools should be revised in all countries, within three years, in order to meet the challenges of the Information Society. h) World languages on the Internet: The necessary technical (software and hardware) conditions, should be created to permit all the world’s languages to be present and used on the Internet. C [