A very short summary: The meeting on the 31 August had been convened as a brainstorming exercise to help the WSIS Executive Secretariat (ES) to move forward on the Stocktaking of Activities relevant to WSIS. Invited were a few representatives from the various categories (see Francis' postings), and the meeting was conducted in a free flowing informal manner (no PrepCom rules and procedures, but also regrettably no interpretation) It was chaired by Tim Kelly, ES responsible for stocktaking. Mr. Utsumi, Charles Geiger (officially still on vacation) and Ambassador Karklins were present. After some general introductory remarks, - e.g. that we have a Plan of Action with no implementation mechanisms - the discussion concentrated on the purpose and modalities of such stocktaking. The Secretariat had prepared a draft paper on Summit issues (based on the 11 WSIS Action Lines) which could be the basis for a survey, - description of activity. The Secretariat wants to send this out by October in form of a letter to governments, civil society, private sector and multilateral organisations asking for input. Under the 11 themes one would find 'Key Words' which would help different actors as entry points for their reporting. Points were raised, particularly by CS, with regard to * the length of such evtl. outcome document and its overall futility * criteria for format of the survey: the 11 themes being one of them, reporting on how certain activities relate to improvements of development and social justice issues, MDGs, e.g.gender equality, poverty eradication, digital divide etc could be another Other points mentioned were: * participatory way: bottom-up approach * impact * qualitative benchmarking * performing (constant) evaluation * looking beyond Tunis * dynamic vis-a-vis static reporting UNESCO Representative made following contributions. For her the purpose is: 1. traditional inventory stocktaking 2. tracking and updating movements 3. facilitating collaboration for implementation, finding potential partners and resources 4. learning from other groups and enabling groups to interact UNESCO also gave a presentation of their new site on "Implementing the WSIS Action Plan: UNESCO Takes Stock" http://www.unesco.org/wsisdirectory The Private Sector demanded that stocktaking should lead to Incentives and CS (as usual) asked for resources. Government(s) pointed to cost implications and management requirements and the ILO cautioned with regard to a too ambitious data base. Mr. Karklins reminded that the 11 themes approach would be the easiest to proceed, as these had been agreed by all governments. Mr. Utsumi pointed to the Summit and the need to have a report while a much more comprehensive and dynamic way of reporting could go beyond. The Secretariat concluded to have the (revised?) survey points soon on their website for more comments before sending out the letter to all stakeholders. This in short before leaving for New York (MDGs) Renate Bloem President of the Conference of NGOs (CONGO) |