WSIS-SI Civil Society group
The following thematic clustering of Action lines C7 e-science in several specific topics along with several cross-cutting themes. Government representatives have underling during the previous series of meetings held in Paris ( C3 access to knowledge, C10 ethics, C7 e-learning, C9 media ) that themes must be closely related to WSIS texts since they reflected carefully negotiated balance.
Academic network access ( related to C2 & C4 )
Open Access ( related to C3 )
Preservation ( C9 media )
specifics topics
P2P and scientific knowledge sharing
Metadata standards, search engines, object identifiers.
( Interoperability of databases )
Cross-cutting themes ( as discussed in other action lines )
Ethics ( related to C10 ethics )
Digital Divide ( Digital solidarity agenda )
Financial mechanisms ( Digital solidarity agenda )
Multi stakeholder partnerships ( also in C7 e-learning )
Linguistic diversity ( related to C8 )