26 July 2006 am


Note to delegations

by the Facilitator of

the draft resolution on follow-up to WSIS and review of CSTD



            After careful reading of the draft resolution ?Science and technology for development? as recommended for adoption by ECOSOC by the Commission on Science and Technology for Development at its Ninth session in May 2006 (see E/2006/31, pp. 1-4), the Facilitator wishes to draw delegates? attention to several paragraphs of the draft resolution that address the issues that are currently being negotiated by ECOSOC members in the context of the draft resolution on WSIS follow-up and review of CSTD:



OP5 of the main body of the draft resolution:


5. Requests United Nations system entities engaged in the implementation of the Geneva and Tunis outcomes of the World Summit for the Information Society to collaborate closely with the Commission on Science and Technology for Development by providing it with periodic reports on the progress made in the implementation of the main themes and Action Lines of the World Summit for the Information Society, with a view to enabling the Commission to monitor, review and appraise progress achieved and problems encountered in the implementation, and to advise the Council thereon.


PP4 of the part on ?New substantive theme and other activities?:


Recognizing that the organization of work of the Commission should contribute to advancing the implementation of the science and technology-related commitments contained in the 2005 World Summit Outcome,1 and the system-wide follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society,


OP1 of the part on ?New substantive theme and other activities?:


1. Requests the Commission, while continuing with its existing science and technology for development mandate, to enhance its future work programmes to include follow-up to the outcomes of the 2005 World Summit and the World Summit for the Information Society, in accordance with paragraph 105 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society;2