10a Decides that while using the multistakeholder approach effectively, the intergovernmental nature of the Commssion should be preserved ( following the exact wording of the G-77)
10 b Decides also that:
delete 10 b a) of the G-77 text
New 10 b a) Pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, (intergovernmental organizations – C. Geiger – delete), non-governmental organizations and civil society entities without consultative status to ECOSOC, but which have received accreditation to WSIS, may participate, on an exceptional basis and without prejudice to the established rules of the United Nations, in the next two meetings of the Commission, in accordance with the rules and procedures of the functional Commissions of ECOSOC and drawing upon the practices experienced during WSIS. This provision is based on the understanding that in the meantime, said organizations and entities apply for consultative status to ECOSOC in accordance with existing rules and procedures, and that in accordance with Council resolution 1996/31, the Committee on NGO is invited to consider such applications, in accordance with the rules and procedures of the United Nations and to do so as expeditiously as possible.
New 10 b c) Following recent practice of ECOSOC and its functional commissions and without prejudice to existing rules of procedure, private sector entities shall be invited by the Chairperson of the Commission to participate in its work in accordance with the rules of procedure of ECOSOC and WSIS practice. A list of private sector entities having applied for invitation shall be circulated to states members of the Commission 45 days prior to its annual meeting. As a rule, private sector entities accredited to WSIS, including ITU sector members, are invited. The invitation of a private sector entity may be suspended or cancelled by the Chairperson of the Commission on request of a member state not later than 7 days before the meeting.