Task Force on Financial Mechanisms

Digital Solidarity Fund

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Financing Mechanisms for ICT for D:  Converging or Diverging Agendas? 

Venue and Time:  15:00 - 18:00 
16th Feb, Room XXII,
Interpretation English/French/Spanish

Suggested Goal:
The goal of the meeting is to have an open and frank exchange of ideas and views on the  issues and possibilities for financing ICT for development, between different stakeholders.

Suggested content and possible contributors :

Intro and update:
Sean O'Siochru 
TFFM Report after Accra: Converging Agendas? (15 minutes): Radhika Lal

I: Emerging ICT for Development Concepts  (75 minutes)

This will focus on new or innovative ideas for implementing ICTs for development, that have arisen in recent debates and reports.  The aim is to present succinct outlines of the basic rationale and concept. Presenters will tend to from the research side and NGO side.

- "Global Public Goods" approach as a policy rationale (ITeM: Fernando Prada pr Pablo Accuosta
- "Open Access" platforms at city, national, regional backbone levels (Russell Southwood tbc)
-  Community-driven/owned networks (Sean O'Siochru)
-  Community media/radio (Steve Buckley)
-  Public ownership/local authorities in Asia, ( Parminder Jeet Singh)

II:  Financing Mechanisms and Practical Implementation (90 minutes)

The aim here is to take a practical look at financing and coordinating mechanisms that have been proposed and views on them. 
(Moderator: Sean O'Siochru  Ten minutes max each)
- TFFM Report (Radikha Lal)
- Donor support and coordination for ICT4D (Chantal Peyer BreadforAll) 
- Digital Solidarity Fund (tbc) 
- Virtual Financing mechanisms (GKP: Michael Chertok)
- A New Policy Framework for ICTD Other proposals (Willie Currie: APC). 

Ten minutes each for Governments/ Bilterals to respond to questions:
- SDC: Swiss Development Corporation - (tbc)
- Canada (CIDA tbc), Argentina (tbc), Uruguay  (tbc)
- African, Northern governments?  

This is intended as more than a simple information meeting, as we are hoping that we can see some ways forward, even if they are not explicitly drawn out.

Organising groups: CRIS Campaign; APC: Association for Progressive Communication; Bread for All; GKP: Global Knowledge Partnership; ITeM: Instituto Del Tercer Mundo; IT for Change; UN ICT Task Force.



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