Draft decision for adoption by the Council
Participation of non-governmental organizations and civil society entities in the twelfth and
thirteenth sessions of the Commission
on Science and Technology for Development
The Economic and Social Council:
Recalling its Resolution 2006/46 of 28 July 2006 and its Decision 2007/215 of 26 April 2007,
Recognizing the need of maximizing the meaningful participation of and contributions by civil society and
business entities in the work of the Commission,
1.Decides to extend exceptionally the invitation for non-governmental organizations and civil society
entities that are not in consultative status with the Council but which have received accreditation to the
World Summit on the Information Society to participate, on an exceptional basis and without prejudice to
the established Rules of Procedure of the Functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council, to
the work session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, for the twelfth and
thirteenth sessions;
2. Urges voluntary contributions in order to provide the maximum possible assistance to the participation
of NGOs and civil society of developing countries and to ensure their balanced representation, including in
the panels of the Commission.
3. Invites the Committee on Non-Governmental Organisations to consider applications from such entities in
accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council, as expeditiously as possible.

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